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AC12 - Recherche PTME - Nord & Sud
Recherche opérationnelle Pourquoi ? Quels objectifs ? Comment ? 1 François Dabis
% of HIV-Infected adults who are female
by geographic location, 70 60 Sub-Saharan Africa GLOBAL Caribbean Asia E Europe & C Asia Latin America 50 Percent female (%) 40 30 20 10 1990 ‘91 ‘92 ‘93 ‘94 ‘95 ‘96 ‘97 ‘98 ‘99 ‘00 ‘01 ‘02 ‘03 ‘04 ‘05 ‘06 2007 Year Source: UNAIDS/WHO Dec 2007 2 François Dabis
Regions with 95% of all MTCT
Despite Effective Regimens to Prevent MTCT, Globally Only 11% of Women Receive ARV Prophylaxis Interagency Task Team on PMTCT Report Card Feb UNICEF/WHO/UNAIDS Regions with 95% of all MTCT 3 François Dabis
Accès aux services de PTME en Afrique sub-Saharienne, 2005
Guinea Bissau Zimbabwe Zambia Central African Republic Kenya Côte d'Ivoire Rwanda Swaziland Burundi Benin Togo 80 Namibia 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Uganda Gabon Lesotho Mozambique Pourcentage de femmes ayant eu accès à une prophylaxie antirétrovirale pour la PTME Taux de couverture (%) 4 François Dabis
Prenahtest ANRS The public health impact of couple-oriented counselling within low to medium HIV prevalence countries Cameroon, Georgia, India, Santo Domingo F. Dabis, P. Tchendjou 5 François Dabis
Prenahtest ANRS 12127 study design
Multicentric, international public health intervention study Feasibility phase: define intervention components that are relevant and adapted to the local operational and socio-cultural contexts + evaluate the acceptability of the intervention Intervention trial: evaluate the impact of couple-oriented post-test HIV counselling compared to standard post-test HIV counselling Articulation quantitative - qualitative research methodologies 6 François Dabis
AC12 - Recherche PTME - Nord & Sud
Recherche opérationnelle Pourquoi ? Quels objectifs ? Comment ? 7 François Dabis
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