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Publié parHortense Debray Modifié depuis plus de 11 années
Direct and Indirect object pronouns By: Kayla Roy
Direct ObjectsTranslation in English IndirectTranslation in English me / m'meme / m'To me te / t'youte / t'To you le / l' him/itluiTo him, to it la / lher, itluiTo her, to it noususnousTo us vousyouvousTo you lesthemleurTo them Direct and Indirect Objects in French
Where do you put the object pronoun in French? Direct – Direct object pronouns in French are placed in front of the verb. Indirect – Indirect object pronouns in French are usually placed in front of the verb.
Examples Présente Je la regarde Elle lui parle Imparfait Tu le mangeais Je lui disais bonjour Passé compose Nous les avons finis Vous lui avez envoyé une lettre
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