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Intro to French The Basics By: Katie Orf
The Alphabet
Avoir = To Have J’ai Tu as You have Il, Elle, On a He, She has
Nous avons Vous avez Ils, Elles ont I have You have He, She has We have You have (formal) They have
Être = To Be Je suis Tu es Il, Elle est You are He, She is Nous sommes
Vous êtes Ils, Elles sont I am You are He, She is We are You are (formal) They are
The Accents È = accent grave É = accent aigu Ê = accent circonflexe
Ë = accent tréma Ç = accent cédille
The Articles Le, La, Les = The Le = masculine La = Feminine
Les = Plural Un, Une = A (One) Un = masculine Une = Feminine
Numbers Un = 1 Deux = 2 Trois = 3 Quatre = 4 Cinq = 5 Six = 6 Sept= 7
Huit = 8 Neuf= 9 Dix = 10
Numbers (continued) Onze = 11 Douze = 12 Treize = 13 Quatorze = 14
Quinze = 15 Seize = 16 Dix-Sept = 17 Dix-Huit = 18 Dix-Neuf = 19 Vingt = 20
Colors Blanc/Blanche = White Noir/Noire = Black Bleu/Bleue = Blue
Rouge = Red Vert/Verte = Green Jaune = Yellow Orange = Orange Rose = Pink Gris/Grise = Grey
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