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Actualités Services Providers & SPLA
Septembre 2013
Modifications du contrat SPLA - Oct 2013
3/30/ :11 PM Usage pour les fournisseurs de datacenters et/ou de services logiciels Les service providers peuvent utiliser les autres SP (incluant Azure) pour leur infrastructure/datacenter (Datacenter Provider) Les fournisseurs de services logiciels (SSR) peuvent vendre leur services à des SSR tiers. Déclaratif Mensuel et fin de contrat anticipée Pour les nouveaux contrats et les renouvellements de contrat , un montant minimum de $100 sera facture (après une période de 6 mois pour montée en charge) Microsoft se reverse le droit de terminer un contrat en cas de déclaratif à à 0 ou inférieur à 100$ Durant 6 mois consécutifs. Dans le cas de non déclaration sur 2 mois, Microsoft envoie deux relances au partenaire et se reserve le droit de clôre le contrat. Utilisation des plates-formes client final Auparavant le serveur physique devait appartenir au Service Providers dans le cas d’utilisation du SPLA. Dorénavant, le prerequis est que le serveur soit contrôlé par le SP mais il peut appartenir au client. Changement de prix Microsoft peut diminuer les prix pratiqués auprès des SPLAR à tout moment dans l’année. Microsoft peut augmenter les prix une fois par an, le 1er janvier ou à tout moment au regard des fluctuations du taux dollar/euro Vérification de conformité des usages logiciels Les partenaires SPLA doivent fournir aux auditeurs indépendants un accès à tous les serveurs utilisant les produits ou servant à fournir des offres y compris les offres des tiers parties. Microsoft will publish the SPLA contracts on explore.ms for SPLA resellers on October 1. You may download & use them as soon as we publish them. If you are working on a new SPLA deal that started before Oct 1, there will be a 90 day grace period where we will accept the older version of the agreement (until Dec. 31st) Starting January 1, 2014 we will only accept the SPLA 2013 contract. SPLA allows SPs to provide software services to other SPs. For example, a SP may acquire Windows Server and System Center from a different SP to deliver a white label solution. Based on partner feedback, we thought it was important to confirm SPs, who work with a data center provider, may sign a separate SPLA contract for application SALs to provide software services to their end users. The SPUR will identify the infrastructure products available to the data center providers who serve the software services providers. We are not changing the datacenter outsourcer terms in SPLA. We are also confirming Microsoft may function as a data center provider if a SP elects to host SPLA application products on Windows Azure. Azure is not available through SPLA, but SPs may have a separate contract with Microsoft to host SPLA application products on Azure. SP monthly use reports will have a $100 USD monthly minimum. Zero use reports are only permitted in the first 6 months of the agreement. For the remaining months of the Agreement Microsoft may terminate the SPLA early if the SP reports zero usage. We updated the end user facility section of the contract. SPs may use servers owned by the end user to provide software services [at the end user facility] as long as the servers are under the day to day management and control of the SP. We removed the requirement that says the servers most be owned or leased by the SP. We restored Verifying Compliance section in the SPLA contract. SPs are required to provide the independent auditor any info it reasonably requests to verify compliance. SPs need to provide access to servers they use to provide software services or dedicated outsourcing services. If any unlicensed use is discovered, SPs are required to pay 125% of the then current price list for any unpaid license. This is an increase from 115% in the SPLA 2010 contract. © 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Annonces récentes Lync SALs for SA MSDN Hoster Rights
3/30/ :11 PM Annonces récentes Lync SALs for SA Les licences utilisateurs Lync Online (USLs) sont maintenant “qualifiée” pour être Lync SALs for SA dans le SPLA MSDN Hoster Rights Les abonnés MSDN peuvent déployer leur licence MSDN dans des machines virtuelles chez un SP agréé dans un environnement multi-tenant Office 365 Pro Plus Les services Providers peuvent vendre les souscriptions Office 365 Pro Plus via le programme de licence Microsoft Open. Office 365 Pro Plus permet l’utilisation d’Office Pro Plus sur 5 PC ou “devices”. L’un de ces devices peut-être un serveur physique dédié. Lync SALs for SA Microsoft recognizes the VL customer’s commitment to Software Assurance and offers SALs for SA as low cost SALs for partners who offer multi-tenant software services to end customers with Software Assurance. In the July SPUR we, updated the Lync Server use rights regarding eligibility for SALs for SA. Lync Online User Subscription Licenses (“USLs”) acquired as part of the Office365 E3 or E4 plans are now considered qualifying CALs for SALs for SA in SPLA. Lync Online P3 USLs acquired as a standalone Online service are also qualifying CALs for SALs for SA in SPLA. Microsoft expanded eligibility to enable hybrid deployments with Office365 and partner hosted Lync Enterprise voice. This update doesn’t change anything related to License Mobility through Software Assurance. Office 365 Pro Plus thru Open Microsoft Office Division announced service providers will have an opportunity to sell Office365 Pro Plus through the Open license program in FY14. Microsoft recently published a licensing brief to explain the benefits of Office365 Pro Plus and compare it to other editions of Office 2013. Office365 Pro Plus is a user subscription license for a Microsoft hosted online service that allows the customer to install Office365 Pro Plus on up to 5 PCs. Office365 Pro Plus will not be sold in SPLA, but service providers may provide outsourcing services to their customers on dedicated hardware subject to conditions. Office365 Pro Plus customers may install 1 of their 5 permitted instances on a network server with RDS, but they must use Office 2013 instead of Office365 Pro Plus because RDS does not support Office365 Pro Plus. © 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Windows Azure Services est disponible uniquement en A & MOSP et non disponible en SPLA
Les rôles machines virtuelles Azure permettent l’hébergement et l’outsourcing avec un amendement EA “EWA” Les Service Providers peuvent héberger des produits applicatifs SPLA en modèle SAL. Le contrat SPLA 2013 clarifie que Microsoft est un fournisseur de data center via Azure Les droits d’usage MOSP Use Rights permettent l’hébergement sans amendement. Aure est un fournisseur de mobilité de licences pour les clients sous Volume Licensing.
April Product Use Rights
April Online Services Use Rights
Azure + RDS Licensing Model
1 RDS SALs SPLA VMs with RDS Service Provider End Customer EWA VMs Service Provider has a SPLA contract with Microsoft Reports RDS SALs (and other Desktop Application SALs) to its SPLA Reseller Service Provider owns the relationship with its end customer Service Provider has Enrollment for Windows Azure + Azure Hosting & Outsourcing Amendment with Microsoft This model is not allowed by SPLA VMs 2 EA End Customer Service Provider RDS SALs End Customer has Enterprise Agreement with Microsoft for Azure End Customer has a separate agreement with Service Provider for RDS SALs
La licence souscription utilisateur permet l’installation sur 5 PCs
Installation d’1 Office 2013 Pro Plus premise sur un serveur réseau Le PUR d’avril pour les droits outsourcing :
Service Providers may now use SharePoint Foundation 2013 for commercial hosting services
Register on Technet Agree to the terms & conditions of the Service Provider Addendum to the EULA Go to the Microsoft Download Center Coordinate schedules, organize documents, and participate in discussions through team workspaces, blogs, wikis, and document libraries on the platform that is the underlying infrastructure for SharePoint Server Service Providers may now use SQL Server 2012 Express for commercial hosting services Go to the Microsoft Download Center Express edition is ideal for developing & powering web & small server applications
3/30/2017 Janvier Nouveau licensing : Cloud Platform Suite Licensing pour les environnements hétérogènes et virtualisés Le host-proc : licence séparée License Le host est sous licence séparée, par processeur. Inclut Windows Server et les composants “host” de System Center ainsi que Windows Azure Pack (WAP) les “guest” : Par instance Le “guest” se licencie par instance et peut tourner sur tout processeur lui même sous licence Cloud Platform Suite “Host” Les droits par instance La licence “guest” donnera, au partenaire, les droits pour une instance de Windows Server et pour cette instance d’être gérée par System Center 2012 R2 Linux VMs Pas de charge “guest” pour les VM Linux qui tournent sur les Cloud Platform Suite “host” © 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Positionnement produit
1 Serveur non virtualisé Serveur virtualisé Meilleure option pour les environnements non virtualisés Environnement homogène Windows Server + System Center Standard Ou CIS Standard 1 2 Windows Server + System Center Datacenter Ou CIS Datacenter 2 Option économique pour les plates- formes hautement virtualisées faisant tourner des environnements Windows server Environnement hétérogène N/A Cloud Platform Suite 3 3 Meilleure option pour les serveurs hautement virtualisés faisant tourner des environnements et applications Linux ou Windows Server New! New!
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