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Publié parMarjolaine Laborde Modifié depuis plus de 11 années
Le but The simple future- understanding how to make sentences about whats going to happen…
Outcomes… Revise our French pronouns (I, you, he, she…) Look at the infinitives we already know Look at the simple future and create some of our own sentences
tu joues au golf jaime le foot nous préférons le sport vous dansez il arrive au collège vous regardez la télé elle adore le tennis je vais aller en Belgique STARTER: Identifiez le verbe!
jouestu joues au golf aimejaime le foot préféronsnous préférons le sport dansezvous dansez arriveil arrive au collège regardezvous regardez la télé adoreelle adore le tennis vaisje vais aller en Belgique Identifiez le verbe – les réponses
Linfinitif: faites des paires… aller faire jouer regarder visiter écouter manger danser travailler To work To watch To dance To visit To listen to To eat To do To play To go
aller : to go Je vais Tu vas Il va Elle va On va Nous allons Vous allez Ils vont Elles vont
The easy future tense When we use the future in English we might ask someone: What are you going to do on Saturday? I am going to play rugby What are you going to eat for dinner? I am going to eat tonnes of pizza When are you going to make your bed? I am going to make my bed at the weekend. You can see here that we use the verb to go followed by an infinitive (to eat/make/play) …
The easy future tense In French its very similar: Je vais jouer au tennis Tu vas danser à la disco Elle va aller au cinéma Nous allons jouer au foot?
de la voile de la natation du vélo au foot au rugby au tennis au hockey au hockey sur glace au cinéma à la pizzeria de la musique la télé Je vais Tu vas Il va Elle va On va Nous allons Vous allez Ils vont Elles vont faire jouer aller écouter regarder
Starter – pick out the infinitives! jouer fais mangez faisons danser manger faire avoir vais fermes écouter parle
Pulling it all together: Sub Verb Infinitive Other Information Jevais regarder la télé Jaime faire de la natation Je déteste danser Je naime pas faire les devoirs J adore aller en vacances
We are going to play ________ I am going to listen ________ He is going to do ________ You (pl) are going to swim BLOCK ________ They are going to eat ________ She is going to cycle _______ One is going to watch ________ BLOCK She is going to go ________ I am going to walk ________ You (sing) are going to shut ________ They are going to tidy BUSTERS ________ One is going to sail ________ We are going to copy ________ She is going to speak ________ BUSTERS I am going to play ________ You (sing) are going dance ________ They are going listen ________ He is going to eat
We like to play ________ I dont like listening ________ He is going to do ________ You (pl) prefer to swim BLOCK ________ They hate eating ________ She loves cycling _______ One likes to watch ________ BLOCK She hates to go ________ I dont like walking ________ You (sing) are going to shut ________ They hate tidying BUSTERS ________ One hates sailing ________ We prefer to copy ________ She is going to speak ________ BUSTERS I am going to play ________ You (sing) like dancing ________ They love listening ________ He is going to eat
Comment dit-on….? use vocab your sheets 1.Hes going to watch the tv. 2.I like to play tennis regularly 3.They dont like to do swimming 4.We are going to go to the cinema at the weekend 5.You hate to do homework!
Sondage 1.Quest-ce que tu vas faire ce soir? 2.Quest-ce que tu aimes regarder? 3.Quest-ce que tu naimes pas écouter comme musique? 4.Quest-ce que tu préfères manger? 5.Où est-ce que tu vas aller ce week-end?
So… Which statements describe your understanding: 1.I fully understand this idea 2.I have a good understanding of this idea 3.I have some understanding of this idea 4.I have a little understanding of this idea
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