Chap. 4. page 107. What are they? Ce qui and Ce que both mean WHAT However: They mean WHAT When making a statement NOT when asking a question.

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1 Chap. 4. page 107

2 What are they? Ce qui and Ce que both mean WHAT However: They mean WHAT When making a statement NOT when asking a question.

3 For example: What I like to do is to go swimming: Ce que jaime bien, cest faire de la natation Ce qui me plait, cest faire de la natation.

4 Ce qui QUI is a SUBJECT It is followed by a VERB Ce qui me plait, cest de voir les chutes deau

5 What I like (what pleases me), is to see the waterfalls. ME is NOT a subject, it is an object pronoun So, CE QUI is the subject of the verb PLAIT. (Plait as in Sil vous Plait)

6 CE QUE Ce que is an OBJECT It is NOT followed by a verb! It is followed by the subject of the verb

7 Example Ce que jaime bien à La Martinique, cest le volcan. What I like best about Martinique is the volcanoe. CE QUE is used because it is followed by the SUBJECT of the sentence J.

8 Que/ QUI QUI is always spelled QUI. Que changes. Que becomes Qu in front of a vowel. Ce quil adore, cest se baigner dans la mer. Ce que jaime, cest danser le Zouk.

9 Essayons! (lets try…) Quest-ce-que tu aimes faire quand il pleut? Ce que jaime faire, cest…… Quest-ce qui te plait à Raleigh? Ce qui me plait, cest…… Quest-ce que tu préfères à la Martinique? Ce que je préfère cest….

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