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LOGIN is… A multi-stakeholder, member-driven network of Asian peers, spanning 12 countries Serving as a platform for knowledge exchange and peer.

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2 LOGIN is… A multi-stakeholder, member-driven network of Asian peers, spanning 12 countries Serving as a platform for knowledge exchange and peer learning on decentralisation and local governance Having institutional Unique capacity building initiative in the form of a transnational network that enables knowledge exchange and peer learning on Decentralization and Local Governance across members institutions drawn from 12 countries. The countries are Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Philippines, Laos, Cambodia, Mongolia and Sri Lanka. Indonesia is expected to join this year. Membership (105): Training institutions, local government associations, think tanks, NGOs, government ministries & departments…

3 Purpose Enhancing capacities of institutions through south-south capacity enhancement and an exchange facility Contribution to reform and practice change in countries on DLG Strengthen local governance institutions, delivering accessible and quality public services Empower citizens, as vital actors influencing decision-making processes in local governance Deepen democratic processes and participatory governance, through policy and legislative reforms NB: Sri Lanka missing in the mandala (member since end of 2016). LOGIN souvent représenté par un mandala, qui décrit la multitude d’institutions, d’acteurs, d’engagements et d’actions qu’il implique. Cercle externe fait référence aux pays faisant partie du réseau (+ Philippines)- 12 pays. Ces pays d’Asie de l’Est et du Sud diffèrent en contexte et culture et suivent différentes voies et rythmes dans leur processus de réformes. Le prochain cercle montre quels sont les acteurs qui permettent “enablers” le renforcement de la gouvernance locale. Ces acteurs utilisent différentes stratégies et pratiques pour renforcer les capacités des gouvernments locaux et pour leur travail d’advocacy. LOGIN leur offre une plateforme/un espace pour s’engager de manière non hierarchique et sans pression et les aide à se connecter avec leurs pairs dans d’autres pays pour bénéficier de leur expérience. Le 3e cercle (rouge) indique l’environnement/cadre institutionnel dans lequel les réformes prennent place. Ils representent aussi les institutions et leurs pratiques, qui sont renforcées par la promotion d’une culture du dialogue/connectivité, partage des connaissances et des processus de learning entre différents acteurs au sein d’un pays mais aussi entre les pays. Le cercle interne jaune représente les éléments facilités et promus par le LOGIN, et le centre vert ses ultimes bénéficiaires. Le mandala illustre la logique (Theory of change) donnée dans le cadre de cette initiative, explicitée ici.

4 Institutional Perspectives
LOGIN is four years strong Incubated by SDC but transiting towards becoming an autonomous entity Seeking for linkages to and resources from donors Mandates, sponsorship of candidates from countries, sponsoring one of the CoPs, funding collaborative research, TA or funding for the network agenda, core funding Forging learning partnerships with other relevant networks, such as DeLoG Creating knowledge products, joint research, joint investments in preparing capacity enhancement tools/guidelines, learning events, cross-country assessments….. May 2017

5 5 thematic priorities - Learning Offers 2017
Thematic Focus Network Level Learning Civic engagement and social accountability International conference organised by the National Academy of Governance (NAOG) and SDC and World Bank supported MASAM project   Regional Workshop on Open Data and Transparency in Cambodia with support of Web Foundation’s Open Data Lab Literature survey on Open Data: concepts and practices Peer Learning Bhutan-India to mainstream SA   Gender and social Inclusion Peer learning Bangladesh-India-Bhutan Capacity building of local governments Self study module for introducing DLG: simplified and relevant to the Asian context Peer learning Bangladesh-Cambodia (exposure visit on HLP) Fiscal decentralisation E-learning course (4th edition) Public service delivery of local governments Study visit to Indonesia on assignment of functions across different levels TA on functional assignment to Mongolia government E-course: basic concepts of functional assignment (3rd edition) May 2017

6 Other learning intiatives
Launch of 3 thematic learning communities (CoP): Transparency, social accountability Women’s political empowerment Capacity development of local governments Political Economy Analysis / Context Analysis Toolkit May 2017

7 Keep in touch with LOGIN!
For further information: Contact: LOGIN Secretariat New Delhi: Ms Preeta Lall, Team Leader; May 2017

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