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Le conditionnel “Would”.

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Présentation au sujet: "Le conditionnel “Would”."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Le conditionnel “Would”

2 What is this? Je jouerais

3 as you find it in the dictionary
The stem: ? -er/-ir verbs: = your action word as you find it in the dictionary the infinitive eg: manger e prendr -re verbs: same eg: prendre BUT you drop the -e!


5 Manger Jouer Finir Vendre Prendre *-re verbs lose the “e” from

6 The endings: Same as for the Imperfect Tense Add…
-ions for nous -ais for je -iez for vous -ais for tu -ait for il/elle/on -aient for ils/elles

7 -ions for nous -ais for je -iez for vous -ais for tu -ait for il/elle/on -aient for ils/elles

8 NAGER – TO SWIM Nous nagerions -Je nagerais Vous nageriez Tu nagerais
Il/elle/on nagerait Ils / elles nageraient

9 Example They (boys) would play. Stem= Jouer Add ending for they
Ils joueraient

10 NOTE! You are NOT translating "would"!
You are putting the verb in the conditional tense!

11 Verbes irréguliers! Same as for the future tense irregular verbs.
Etre (to be) Avoir (to have) Aller (to go) Faire (to do) Pouvoir (to be able to) Vouloir (to want) Devoir (to have to) Je serais J’aurais J’irais Je ferais Je pourrais Je voudrais Je devrais

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