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Publié parCharlotte Yvonne Picard Modifié depuis plus de 7 années
C’est de quelle couleur? Qu’est-ce que tu aimes comme animaux?
Table des matières: As-tu un animal? C’est de quelle couleur? Qu’est-ce que tu aimes comme animaux? La salle de classe Où est la souris? Comment es-tu? Grammar Note The following grammar topics are to be found in this presentation. They can easily be recognised by their purple background in slide sorter view: Adjectival endings Present tense of aimer More about plurals Negatives Plural adjectives Prepositions Pronouncing French
As-tu un animal?
As-tu un animal?
As-tu un animal? A B C D E F G
Pupils match photos to text. Text appears an item at a time on mouseclick. E F G 7) J’ai un gros lapin blanc qui s’appelle Blanche-Neige. 1) J’ai une tortue qui s’appelle Georges. 6) J’ai un chat méchant qui s’appelle Mimi. 5) J’ai une perruche bleue qui s’appelle Chirac. 3) J’ai un poisson rouge qui s’appelle Finn. 4) J’ai un chien qui s’appelle Isis. 2) J’ai un cheval blanc qui s’appelle Pele.
As-tu un animal? Transcript:
- J'ai un cheval brun qui s'appelle Laflèche. Il est très gentil. - J'ai un chien noir qui s'appelle Médor. - Ma mère est allergique, donc nous n'avons pas d'animal à la maison. - Mon frère a un poisson rouge. Il s'appelle Bubulle. - J'ai une tortue qui s'appelle Majesté. Elle aime dormir. - Nous avons deux petits chats, Melon et Chipie. Melon est blanc et noir et Chipie est orange. Ils s'entendent très bien.
C’est de quelle couleur?
Introduction to colours and an exercise (accessed by clicking on the red forward button).
Adjectival endings You already know about genders. In French all nouns are either masculine or feminine. Did you notice which of the animals are masculine (un) and which are feminine (une)? Can you put them into two columns? chien chat tortue hamster lapin hérisson cochon d’Inde perroquet serpent poisson cheval perruche souris Masculine (un) Feminine (une) chien chat hamster lapin hérisson cochon d’Inde perroquet serpent poisson cheval tortue perruche souris
Adjectival endings Now that you know which animals are masculine and which are feminine, you need to know how to describe them. Adjectives are describing words. In English they never change, but in French they change depending on the gender of the noun they are describing. Look at the following pictures and text. Un serpent vert Which word is the adjective in each case? What do you think it means? Une tortue verte Can you see how it changes depending on the gender?
Adjectival endings I’m sure you guessed that the adjective was vert / verte. It means green and the feminine version ends in –e. But did you notice that in French we put the adjective after the noun, whereas in English it goes before the noun? A green tortoise / Une tortue verte. So now you know a bit about adjectives in French. The adjective goes after the noun, and if it is feminine, we often add an –e. In French, the masculine word for brown is brun. How would you say “a brown tortoise”? Une tortue brune.
Adjectival endings Unfortunately not all adjectives work as simply as that. Some of them are irregular and work in a slightly different way. Look at the following table and see if you can spot the ones that work differently. Which ones just add –e? Masc Fem English blanc gris noir bleu rouge jaune orange vert marron brun violet blanche grise noire bleue verte brune violette white grey black blue red yellow green brown purple Which ones don’t add –e because they already have an –e at the end?
Adjectival endings Masc Fem English
blanc gris noir bleu rouge jaune orange vert marron brun violet blanche grise noire bleue verte brune violette white grey black blue red yellow green brown purple Which ones add something other than just –e? Which ones never change? Copy the table into your exercise book.
C’est de quelle couleur?
Ecris des phrases! J’ai un… blanc(he) une… gris(e) noir(e) bleu(e) rouge jaune orange vert(e) marron / brun(e) violet(te) Pupils could write nonsense sentences here (E.g. J’ai un chien bleu) and illustrate each one.
C’est de quelle couleur?
C’est quel animal? C Mon chien s’appelle Manu. Il est blanc et très mignon! A F Mon frère a une perruche qui s’appelle Charles. A J’ai un chat qui s’appelle Toto. Il est orange et blanc. B C B Mon lapin est blanc. Il aime la salade et il s’appelle Roger. D E J’ai une petite souris blanche qui s’appelle Hercule. Mon père déteste Hercule. Il n’aime pas les souris! F E D Mon poisson rouge s’appelle Zidane. Il aime le foot!
Present tense of aimer Here is the whole of the verb aimer, which you met in the last exercise. It means ‘to like’ or ‘to love’ in English. J’ Tu Il / Elle Nous Vous Ils / Elles aime I like / love aimes You like / love aime He / she likes / loves aimons We like / love aimez You like / love aiment They like / love
More about plurals You have already learnt that to make a noun plural, you usually need to add –s. So how would you say ‘dogs’ in French? chiens But not all words work like this. For example, if the noun already ends in –s, there is no need to add another to make it plural. Which of the animals you have learnt will work in this way? souris – it means mouse and mice! Some words ending in –al change their ending to –aux in the plural form. Which of the animals does this? cheval – becomes chevaux in the plural form.
You could translate this sentence as:
More about plurals Can you remember how to say the in French? You use le if the word is masculine, la if the word is feminine and l’ if the word starts with a vowel. But what happens if the word is plural? What if you want to say the dogs? You could translate this sentence as: I like the dogs or just I like dogs In English, you can leave out the word the, and the sentence means something slightly different, but in French you cannot leave it out. Without it, the sentence doesn’t make sense. You use les. J’aime les chiens.
Qu’est-ce que tu aimes comme animaux?
Ecris des phrases! 1 J’aime les chats. 2 J’aime les poissons. 3 J’aime les chevaux. 4 J’aime les souris. Answers 2-5 appear on mouseclick. 5 J’aime les lapins.
Negatives What if you want to make a sentence negative? This is when you put in the word not (or n’t) in English. E.g. I don’t like snakes. You have already met the negative in French in the sentence: Je n’ai pas de frères / sœurs (I don’t have any brothers / sisters). In French you put the words ne and pas around the verb to make a sentence negative. If the verb starts with a vowel, then ne is shortened to n’. E.g. Je n’aime pas les serpents.
Qu’est-ce que tu aimes comme animaux?
Ecris des phrases! 1 Je n’aime pas les chats. 2 Je n’aime pas les poissons. 3 Je n’aime pas les chevaux. 4 Je n’aime pas les souris. Answers 2-5 appear on mouseclick. 5 Je n’aime pas les lapins.
Copy the table into your exercise book.
Plural adjectives Now it’s time to learn about plural adjectives. As with plural nouns, you usually add an –s to make an adjective plural. Masc Fem blanc gris noir bleu rouge jaune orange vert marron brun violet blanche grise noire bleue verte brune violette Masc pl Fem pl blancs noirs bleus rouges jaunes verts bruns violets blanches grises noires bleues vertes brunes violettes Can you see the patterns? Which ones work differently from all the rest? Copy the table into your exercise book.
Plural adjectives Il y a cinq sacs bleus.
Use the table to complete the sentences below. The first one has been done for you. Il y a cinq sacs bleus. Il y a trois trousses rouges. Il y a quatre crayons orange. Answers 2-4 appear one by one on mouseclick. Il y a deux règles blanches.
La salle de classe Introduction to classroom furniture vocabulary.
Prepositions When you want to say where something is, you need to use prepositions. These are words which describe the position of something. Read the following sentence: The cat is on the table. Which of the words above is the preposition? Answer: on Now look at the same sentence in French: Le chat est sur la table. Which word is the preposition?
sur sous derrière devant on under behind in front of Prepositions
I’m sure you worked out that sur was the preposition, and that it means on or on top of. Here is a list of some useful prepositions in French: sur sous derrière devant on under behind in front of
Où est la souris? Move the mouse (it’s hidden behind the teacher’s feet!) to practise both prepositions and classroom vocabulary.
Comment es-tu? Move the hair and eyes to introduce basic description vocabulary.
Comment es-tu? The changing picture could also be used for oral / writing stimulus.
Comment es-tu? C’est quelle personne? A C E B D C E A D B
J’ai les cheveux mi-longs et raides et je porte des lunettes. J’ai les cheveux blancs et courts et les yeux bruns. J’ai les cheveux longs et frisés et je porte des lunettes. J’ai les cheveux longs et blonds et les yeux bruns. J’ai les cheveux mi-longs et marron et je ne porte pas de lunettes. Pupils match pictures to descriptions. The answers appear one by one on mouseclick. D B
Dessine les deux filles!
Comment es-tu? Dessine les deux filles! Je m’appelle Claire. J’ai treize ans. J’ai les cheveux longs, marron et raides. J’ai les yeux bruns. Ma cousine s’appelle Bernadette. Elle a quatorze ans. Elle a les cheveux mi-longs, blonds et bouclés et les yeux verts. Pupils draw two girls according to descriptions given. These can then be compared to the suggested pictures which appear on mouseclick.
Comment es-tu? Remplis les blancs! Sophie Carina Albert Marie-Ange
Je m’_____ Marie-Ange. J’ai les _____ longs, marron et _____. Je _____ des lunettes. Ma _____ s’appelle Sophie. Elle a _____ cheveux mi-_____, marron et raides, comme moi, et _____ porte des _____ aussi. Ma mère s’appelle _____. Elle a les cheveux _____ et marron. Elle porte des lunettes. Mon _____ s’appelle _____. Il a les _____ _____, noirs et raides, et _____ _____ des _____. Answers are on the following slide.
Comment es-tu? Sophie Carina Albert Marie-Ange
Je m’appelle Marie-Ange. J’ai les cheveux longs, marron et raides. Je porte des lunettes. Ma sœur s’appelle Sophie. Elle a les cheveux mi-longs, marron et raides, comme moi, et elle porte des lunettes aussi. Ma mère s’appelle Carina. Elle a les cheveux courts et marron. Elle porte des lunettes. Mon père s’appelle Albert. Il a les cheveux courts, noirs et raides, et il porte des lunettes.
Comment es-tu?
s’appelle – s’appellent
Pronouncing French! What have you learnt about French pronunciation so far? Can you tell which of the pairs below sound the same and which sound different? un – une brun – brune an – ans vert – verte violet – violette bleu – bleue s’appelle – s’appellent le – les gris – grise a – as
Pronouncing French! Which of the pairs of words below rhyme, and which don’t? See if you can work it out with a partner. père – mère tu – vous nous – vous violet – lunettes parents – serpent seize – treize brun – une petit – souris tortue – bleu cheval – animal
Pronouncing French! Can you make up a simple poem in French?
Your title can be: Ce que j’aime The poem can be a list of things that you like or dislike, but try to include a few rhymes. Before you start, look at the example below. J’aime mes parents, Mais je n’aime pas les serpents. J’aime les sucettes violettes, Mais je n’aime pas mes lunettes! Yours can be much longer – how many rhyming likes and dislikes can you think of? Less able pupils will probably need more support here. Teachers could suggest a list of words. Pupils could decide which words rhyme before writing their verse.
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