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#CPFLaurier Social Media - Youth Celebrating Being Bilingual

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Présentation au sujet: "#CPFLaurier Social Media - Youth Celebrating Being Bilingual"— Transcription de la présentation:

1 #CPFLaurier Social Media - Youth Celebrating Being Bilingual
Luc Comeau, October 14, 2016

2 This workshop will... Give you a quick overview of social media
Provide an overview of the #CPFLaurier campaign Identify roles, tools & actions for you as #CPFLaurier Ambassadors

3 The Social Media I Grew Up With

4 Dealing With Social Media

5 Your Social Media Presence - Poll

6 Canadian Usage Stats (2015)
70% of Canadians are regular social media users 63% of Canadian social media users read Facebook posts, tweets and/or LinkedIn updates every single day 93% of those who use social media are on Facebook 14 million Canadians check their Facebook newsfeed every single day

7 New Tools, Similar Best Practices
Part of your communications approach and strategy Engaging your fans: Invest 1-2 hours per week Pick a priority lane (2-4 other accounts to expand reach) Post regularly and concisely (1/week) Use images/videos & hashtags whenever possible Like\share/retweet pertinent info

8 4 Main Platforms Overview
a comparative

9 Likes and Comments are the key elements;
A place to share visually what is happening; Ideal if you deal in images and video; The most interesting and fun images obtain more participation. Les mentions J’aime et Commenter sont la devise; Un endroit pour montrer ce qui se passe à l’heure même; Idéal si vous affichez régulièrement des images; Les images intéressantes et amusantes reçoivent le plus de participation.

10 Second largest search engine after Google;
Videos are easy to upload and share; Ideal when your content is fascinating and unique. Deuxième plus important moteur de recherche au monde après Google; Les vidéos sont du contenu très partageable; Idéal lorsque votre contenu est fascinant et unique.

11 Likes, Comments and Shares are key elements;
A clearinghouse for information; Ideal pour posting content that is easily shareable and very engaging; Images and video get more interaction. Les mentions J’aime, Commenter et Partager sont la devise; Un carrefour pour votre information; Idéal pour afficher du contenu réellement partageable et engageant; Les images et les vidéos reçoivent le plus d’interaction.

12 Followers, Retweets and Favorites are key;
It’s a tool for conversation; Interaction with others can be live or deferred; Links that are pertinent, timely and interesting get more interaction. Les mentions Abonné, Retweeter et Favori sont la devise; Twitter est un outil de conversation; Idéal pour interagir avec d’autres; Les liens pertinents, ponctuels et intéressants reçoivent le plus de participation.

13 Why #CPFLaurier? Le projet engagera et éduquera les jeunes au sujet de la signification du 175e anniversaire de la naissance de Sir Wilfrid Laurier seconds or 4 minutes

14 Key Messages Sir Wilfrid Laurier: leader francophone, orateur respecté, grand conciliateur, père du Canada moderne. Sir Wilfrid Laurier: Francophone leader, respected orator, great conciliator, father of modern Canada.

15 Audiences Youth engaged in immersion across Canada
Organizations who support immersion (that’s you!)

16 Campaign: Oct 13 - Nov 21 6 week Campaign from Oct 13:
Insta YT FB Twitter Multimedia content including your videos Contest: IPad, Via Rail vouchers Postcards: hardcopy & virtual on website

17 Quick Stretch Break

18 Help Us Now! Follow CPF on all four platforms
Like the CPF Facebook page: Canadian Parents for French; Subscribe to the CPF Youtube channel: Canadian Parents for French; Follow the CPF Twitter Follow the CPF Instagram Account: cpfnational; Like, share, retweet & comment our posts -include a short text provided by CPF in your regular communications to members ( newsletters, blog posts, magazine publications); -Like, share, retweet and comment our posts between October 13th and November 21st, using and promoting the #CPFLaurier hashtag.

19 Help Us Until November 20 (His 175th B-day)
View each LaurierKids Youtube videos Like, share, retweet & comment our posts between October 14th and November 21st, using and promoting the #CPFLaurier hashtag Include a short text provided by CPF in your regular communications to members ( newsletters, blog posts, magazine publications); Develop your Social Media presence further, on the coattails of Laurier (... or of this campaign:-).

20 Next Steps Email from Maryanne Bright
Checklist of items you can do during the campaign Sharing of Results November 21

21 Your Questions…

22 Tomorrow 1 p.m.: Social Media for the Grassroots Volunteer Workshop

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