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Publié parJacqueline Desjardins Modifié depuis plus de 7 années
Feuille de route pour le développement
SEPT 2016 Feuille de route pour le développement des systèmes d’information sur le marché du travail Jean Michel MAS – Kjartan SORENSEN Tunis le 22 septembre 2016
Contexte : pourquoi avoir étudié les Systèmes d’Informations du Marché du Travail (SIMT)?
Demande des Etats de l’Union Africaine (Ouagadougou + 10) Les enjeux : l’emploi des jeunes, le chômage, la croissance économique insuffisante, l’économie informelle Un constat : malgré les investissements, les SIMTs n’ont pas produit les résultats escomptés
S’accorder sur une définition Les SIMT : Pour quoi, pour qui?
Méthode: comment étudier les Systèmes d’Informations du Marché du Travail (SIMT)? Un challenge: de quoi parlons nous quand on aborde les Systèmes d’Informations du Marché du Travail? S’accorder sur une définition Les SIMT : Pour quoi, pour qui? Pour produire de l’information à valeur ajoutée sur le marché du travail Pour les politiques, les employeurs, les chercheurs, les demandeurs d’emploi, les formateurs?
Méthode: comment étudier les Systèmes d’Informations du Marché du Travail (SIMT)?
Une approche systémique vs. système: s’accorder sur une définition qui couvre les problématiques Un tour d’horizon des SIMT: caractéristiques et performance, de l’Australie au Rwanda Construction d’une typologie pour analyser les systèmes en fonction de la capacité à améliorer le fonctionnement du marché du travail Identification d’interventions ciblées et ordonnées pour améliorer les SIMT
La production d’informations sur le marché du travail
Input Process Output Données sur le marché du travail (quantitatifs, qualitatifs) Analyses Renseignements sur le marché du travail
SIMT orienté données Données descriptives Photo instant T Statistiques
Orienté intervention Décideurs politiques Chercheurs Orienté observation SIMT orienté données Données descriptives Photo instant T Statistiques Employés Demandeurs d’emploi Orienté offre Orienté demande Employeurs SIMT orienté services Intermediation Conseil Formation Soutien financier
Au service de tous les acteurs Dynamique & réactif
Décideurs politiques Orienté intervention Chercheurs Orienté observation Un SIMT intégré Meilleurs services Meilleures données Au service de tous les acteurs Dynamique & réactif Orienté offre Employés Demandeurs d’emploi Orienté demande Employeurs
Une définition d’un système d’information sur le marché du travail
L'ensemble des arrangements institutionnels, des procédures et des mécanismes mis en place pour coordonner la collecte, le traitement , le stockage , la récupération et la diffusion de l'information sur le marché du travail Nicholas Manghozo (2003)
Tour d’Horizon des SIMT
Les pays étudiés: Afrique du Sud France Australie Jamaïque Botswana Rwanda Cameroun Royaume Uni Danemark Etats Unis (Californie) LMIS are composed of several, most often interconnected, subsidiary information systems; Public interfaces of subsidiary systems are tailored to different types of users (youth and workers, employers, intermediaries, students, policy-makers, researchers); LMIS all contain a well-developed public job matching component; Labor market information is detailed at the local level; and Effective partnerships underpin the governance of LMIS.
Australia: myskills (directorate of training)
LMIS are composed of several, most often interconnected, subsidiary information systems; Public interfaces of subsidiary systems are tailored to different types of users (youth and workers, employers, intermediaries, students, policy-makers, researchers); LMIS all contain a well-developed public job matching component; Labor market information is detailed at the local level; and Effective partnerships underpin the governance of LMIS.
1. LMIS are composed of several, most often interconnected, subsidiary information systems;
Public interfaces of subsidiary systems are tailored to different types of users (youth and workers, employers, intermediaries, students, policy-makers, researchers); LMIS all contain a well-developed public job matching component; Labor market information is detailed at the local level; and Effective partnerships underpin the governance of LMIS.
1. LMIS are composed of several, most often interconnected, subsidiary information systems;
Public interfaces of subsidiary systems are tailored to different types of users (youth and workers, employers, intermediaries, students, policy-makers, researchers); LMIS all contain a well-developed public job matching component; Labor market information is detailed at the local level; and Effective partnerships underpin the governance of LMIS.
Australia: job active and job outlook
LMIS are composed of several, most often interconnected, subsidiary information systems; Public interfaces of subsidiary systems are tailored to different types of users (youth and workers, employers, intermediaries, students, policy-makers, researchers); LMIS all contain a well-developed public job matching component; Labor market information is detailed at the local level; and Effective partnerships underpin the governance of LMIS.
Australia: job active and job outlook
LMIS are composed of several, most often interconnected, subsidiary information systems; Public interfaces of subsidiary systems are tailored to different types of users (youth and workers, employers, intermediaries, students, policy-makers, researchers); LMIS all contain a well-developed public job matching component; Labor market information is detailed at the local level; and Effective partnerships underpin the governance of LMIS.
Australia: job active and job outlook
LMIS are composed of several, most often interconnected, subsidiary information systems; Public interfaces of subsidiary systems are tailored to different types of users (youth and workers, employers, intermediaries, students, policy-makers, researchers); LMIS all contain a well-developed public job matching component; Labor market information is detailed at the local level; and Effective partnerships underpin the governance of LMIS.
Australia: job active and job outlook
LMIS are composed of several, most often interconnected, subsidiary information systems; Public interfaces of subsidiary systems are tailored to different types of users (youth and workers, employers, intermediaries, students, policy-makers, researchers); LMIS all contain a well-developed public job matching component; Labor market information is detailed at the local level; and Effective partnerships underpin the governance of LMIS.
Australia: Labor Market Information Portal
LMIS are composed of several, most often interconnected, subsidiary information systems; Public interfaces of subsidiary systems are tailored to different types of users (youth and workers, employers, intermediaries, students, policy-makers, researchers); LMIS all contain a well-developed public job matching component; Labor market information is detailed at the local level; and Effective partnerships underpin the governance of LMIS.
Australia: Labor Market Information Portal
LMIS are composed of several, most often interconnected, subsidiary information systems; Public interfaces of subsidiary systems are tailored to different types of users (youth and workers, employers, intermediaries, students, policy-makers, researchers); LMIS all contain a well-developed public job matching component; Labor market information is detailed at the local level; and Effective partnerships underpin the governance of LMIS.
Rwanda: Labor Market Information System
LMIS are composed of several, most often interconnected, subsidiary information systems; Public interfaces of subsidiary systems are tailored to different types of users (youth and workers, employers, intermediaries, students, policy-makers, researchers); LMIS all contain a well-developed public job matching component; Labor market information is detailed at the local level; and Effective partnerships underpin the governance of LMIS.
Rwanda: Labor Market Information System
LMIS are composed of several, most often interconnected, subsidiary information systems; Public interfaces of subsidiary systems are tailored to different types of users (youth and workers, employers, intermediaries, students, policy-makers, researchers); LMIS all contain a well-developed public job matching component; Labor market information is detailed at the local level; and Effective partnerships underpin the governance of LMIS.
Rwanda: Labor Market Information System
LMIS are composed of several, most often interconnected, subsidiary information systems; Public interfaces of subsidiary systems are tailored to different types of users (youth and workers, employers, intermediaries, students, policy-makers, researchers); LMIS all contain a well-developed public job matching component; Labor market information is detailed at the local level; and Effective partnerships underpin the governance of LMIS.
Comment évaluer un système ?
Le nombre de liens est fonction du nombre d’acteurs
21 15 Numbre de liens 10 6 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Nombre d’acteurs
Acteurs publics et privés N/A Type 3
Les déterminants de notre typologie Données seulesment Données & Services Acteurs publics Type 1 Type 2 Acteurs publics et privés N/A Type 3
Diffuse l’information
Reçoit l’information RRE LMIS type 1: acteurs publics, pas de services. Traite l’information National Statistics Office Ministry of Labor Diffuse l’information Produit un service
LMIS type 2: Acteurs publics, peu de services
Job seekers Private Sector Job Macthing Education training institutions Tax Registry Ministry of Labor National Statistics Office Social Security
LMIS type 3: Plusieurs acteurs publics et privés, plusieurs services
Business registry Training Institutions Social Security Registry Tax Registry Private Sector National Statistics Office Job seekers Employers Association Intermediation Job Matching Ministry of Labor
Engagement des acteurs 1- Engagement au plus haut niveau de l’Etat
Recommandations Engagement des acteurs 1- Engagement au plus haut niveau de l’Etat 2- Constitution groupe de travail public-privé 3- Les questions auxquelles le SIMT doit apporter des réponses There are promising signs that the quality of LMIS in Africa is improving. Twenty-six out of the 38 African Union member countries (68%) in the AU LMIS inventory have either conducted a labor force survey since 2013 or are in the process of doing so in (African Union, 2015). African Union leaders have renewed their commitment to strengthening labor market governance and specifically LMIS, through the 2015 Ouagadougou +10 Declaration and Plan of Action on Employment, Poverty Eradication and Inclusive Development. The resulting First Five-Year Priority Programme ( ) specifically aims to "strengthen the role and management of Labour Market Institutions (LMIs) and Information Systems (LMIS) as important components of national economic development planning" (African Union, 2015).
Exploiter les sources d’information existantes
Recommandations Exploiter les sources d’information existantes 4- L’identification des sources d’information 5- Et des acteurs du système There are promising signs that the quality of LMIS in Africa is improving. Twenty-six out of the 38 African Union member countries (68%) in the AU LMIS inventory have either conducted a labor force survey since 2013 or are in the process of doing so in (African Union, 2015). African Union leaders have renewed their commitment to strengthening labor market governance and specifically LMIS, through the 2015 Ouagadougou +10 Declaration and Plan of Action on Employment, Poverty Eradication and Inclusive Development. The resulting First Five-Year Priority Programme ( ) specifically aims to "strengthen the role and management of Labour Market Institutions (LMIs) and Information Systems (LMIS) as important components of national economic development planning" (African Union, 2015).
Mettre en oeuvre de nouvelles collaboration
Recommandations Mettre en oeuvre de nouvelles collaboration 6- Définition des stratégies de partage de l’information Tirer avantage de la technologie 7- Production d’informations There are promising signs that the quality of LMIS in Africa is improving. Twenty-six out of the 38 African Union member countries (68%) in the AU LMIS inventory have either conducted a labor force survey since 2013 or are in the process of doing so in (African Union, 2015). African Union leaders have renewed their commitment to strengthening labor market governance and specifically LMIS, through the 2015 Ouagadougou +10 Declaration and Plan of Action on Employment, Poverty Eradication and Inclusive Development. The resulting First Five-Year Priority Programme ( ) specifically aims to "strengthen the role and management of Labour Market Institutions (LMIs) and Information Systems (LMIS) as important components of national economic development planning" (African Union, 2015).
Priorités pour un SIMT intégré
Créer l’environnement institutionel adéquat Exploiter les sources d’information existantes Données administratives Contexte économique Secteur privé Recherche/académie Mettre en oeuvre de nouvelles collaboration Localiser les informations Outsourcing Nouveaux partenariats There are promising signs that the quality of LMIS in Africa is improving. Twenty-six out of the 38 African Union member countries (68%) in the AU LMIS inventory have either conducted a labor force survey since 2013 or are in the process of doing so in (African Union, 2015). African Union leaders have renewed their commitment to strengthening labor market governance and specifically LMIS, through the 2015 Ouagadougou +10 Declaration and Plan of Action on Employment, Poverty Eradication and Inclusive Development. The resulting First Five-Year Priority Programme ( ) specifically aims to "strengthen the role and management of Labour Market Institutions (LMIs) and Information Systems (LMIS) as important components of national economic development planning" (African Union, 2015). Tirer avantage de la technologie SIMT en temps réels & Analytises OpenData Services en ligne Intermediation privée
SIMT : pourquoi, pour qui ?
Pour produire de l’information à valeur ajoutée sur le marché du travail Pour les politiques Pour les chercheurs Pour les employeurs Pour les demandeurs d’emploi Pour les formateurs
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