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Le Futur/”will happen”
Le futur est formé avec l’infinitif du verbe (moins le “e”) + les terminaison. Terminaison (endings) Je ai Nous ons Tu as Vous ez Il a Ils ont Ex. Ils finiront leurs devoirs ce soir.
Les Irréguliers/ Le Radical (stem)
Voir verr Pouvoir pour Vouloir voudr Avoir aur Etre ser Faire fer Savoir saur Aller ir
Des expressions qui indiquent le futur!
Prochain(e) Demain Le lendemain Bientôt Dans + “time” - Dans une heure Ce soir, cet après midi -Demain j’irai avec toi faire du surf des neiges parce-qu’il fera très froid.
Uses of the Futur Note the following about when and when not to use the future in French: Be careful to distinguish “will” as used to form the future and the verb vouloir (to wish, to want), which translates as “will” when it expresses “willingness”: Je t'aiderai. (I will help you.) Veux-tu m'aider? (Will you [do you wish, are you willing to] help me?) The future tense is NOT used in French in a subordinate clause requiring the subjunctive: Je doute qu'il réussisse. (I doubt he will succeed.) When the main clause is in the present tense, the future or the present may be used after croire que (to believe that), penser que (to think that), savoir que (to know that), espérer que (to hope that), and ne pas savoir si (to not know if) to express a future action: Je pense qu'il vient. Je pense qu'il viendra. I think he is coming (is going to come, will come). The future may be used conversationally to express probability or supposition, especially with avoir and ětre: Elle ne mange rien. Elle sera malade. (She isn't eating anything. She must be sick.) Il crie de toutes ses forces. Il aura peur. (He's screaming at the top of his lungs. He must be afraid.)
The future tense is used after the following conjunctions of time when the verb in the main clause is in the future tense, even if the present tense is used in English: quand, lorsque, au moment où (when) Je lui parlerai quand ( lorsque, au moment où) il arrivera. (I will speak to him when he arrives.) dès que, aussitôt que (as soon as) Dès que ( Aussitôt que) tu me téléphoneras, je viendrai te chercher. (As soon as you call me, I'll come get you.) pendant que, tandis que (while) Je lirai pendant que ( tandis que) mon mari jouera au golf. (I'll read while my husband is playing golf.)
On s’entraîne! Ecrivez les phrases en français.
If we win, I will bring you to the restaurant. As soon as you finish, we will leave I know that he is coming soon. She will study, while I take my test later. When I enter, we will begin. If we leave now, we will arrive on time. While they are skiing, we will not be able to see them. As soon as she buys the tickets, we will pay. When we stop, we will have some free time. If she studies, she will succeed.
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