Grab an orange textbook

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1 Grab an orange textbook
Fill out the card in the back and write your name in the front cover. Grab your journals and folders

2 Journal Mercredi, le 7 septembre
A French newspaper is doing a story about you because you are ‘super chouette’. Give the following information in French: Your name and age How many brothers and sisters you have Brief description of yourself A brief description of your home

3 Skittle game Eat all the skittles on your desk but one.

4 Skittle Game Embarrassing or most Goals Memorable moments Achievements
Hobbies My favorite…. Is…. Because…

5 La famille

6 La famille de ma mère

7 La famille de mon père

8 Ma famille

9 Moi et M. Kiel

10 Mes enfants, Grace et Tristan

11 Ma famille maintenant

12 Avec un partenaire Describe some of the people in your family
Family word list:

13 La Famille de Mme Kiel Mon Père, Tom Ma mère, Mary Ann moi
Ma sœur, Susan moi Ma sœur, Ruth Ma sœur, Martha Mon frère, David Ma sœur, Ann Mon fils, Tristan Mon mari, Tracy Ma fille, Grace

14 Dessinez un arbre familiale
Include AT LEAST 10 people and how they are related to you. Use mon (for boys/men), ma (for girls/women), mes (plural m or f) Spell the French words correctly Be sure to include yourself – MOI Example: Mon père, Tom

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