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Publié parAngèle Michel Modifié depuis plus de 7 années
Point de départ The verbs prendre (to take, to have) and boire (to drink), like être, avoir, and aller, are irregular. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.
The forms of the verbs apprendre (to learn) and comprendre (to understand) follow the same pattern as that of prendre. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.
© and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.
Partitives Use partitive articles in French to express some or any. To form the partitive, use the preposition de followed by a definite article. Although the words some and any are often omitted in English, the partitive must always be used in French. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.
Note that partitive articles are only used with non-count nouns (nouns whose quantity cannot be expressed by a number). The article des also means some, but it is the plural form of the indefinite article, not the partitive. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.
To give a negative response to a question asked using the partitive structure, as with indefinite articles, always use ne…pas de. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.
Essayez. Complétez les phrases. Utilisez la forme correcte
Essayez! Complétez les phrases. Utilisez la forme correcte du verbe entre parenthèses et l’article qui covient. 1. Ma soeur _______ (prendre) _______ éclairs. 2. Tes parents _______ (boire) _______ café? 3. Louise ne _______ (boire) pas _______ thé? 4. Est-ce qu’il y _______ (avoir) _______ sucre? 5. Nous _______ (boire) _______ limonade. 6. Non, merci. Je ne _______ (prendre) pas _______ frites. 7. Vous _______ (prendre) _______ taxi? 8. Nous _______ (apprendre) _______ français. prend des © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.
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