Les Adjectifs Interrogatifs

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1 Les Adjectifs Interrogatifs
Leçon de Grammaire

2 Interrogative Adjectives En Anglais
What are they? What are they used for? To ask questions about Examples: Which movie did you watch? What teacher said that? WHICH WHAT nouns.

3 Other Uses of “What “ Interrogative Pronoun Exclamatory Phrase
The use of the verb TO BE between WHAT and the NOUN Example: What ____the name of the boy? In this case above, what is an ___________________ Write an example here: ______________________. Exclamatory Phrase What + Example: What a smart class! Write an example here: ______________________! is Interrogative Pronoun a noun phrase

4 Interrogative Adjectives En Français
What are they? Just like any adjective in French, interrogative adjectives in French must agree in ________ and _________ with the nouns they modify. All four pronounce the ______ ______. Quel Quels Quelle Quelles GENDER NUMBER SAME WAY

5 En Français cont’d Remplissez la table au dessous. Singular Plural
Masculine Feminine Quel Quels Quelle Quelles

6 Juste comme anglais… ÊTRE Un nom Les formes de quel sont suivis par
Exemples: Quel est ton address ? (adjective or pronoun?) Quelle robe est-ce que tu vas mettre? (adjective or pronoun?) Ecrivez deux exemples au dessous. 1. Interrogative Adjective ___________________________. 2. Interrogative Pronoun ___________________________. ÊTRE Un nom

7 Et aussi… Suivi par un EXCLAMATION! Example: Quel beau chemisier!
Ecrivez une exemple: FIN

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