Direct Object Pronouns Background information (What you should already know) Subject or Personal Pronouns: Je--I Tuinformal you Ilhe or it Elleshe or it.

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Présentation au sujet: "Direct Object Pronouns Background information (What you should already know) Subject or Personal Pronouns: Je--I Tuinformal you Ilhe or it Elleshe or it."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Direct Object Pronouns Background information (What you should already know) Subject or Personal Pronouns: Je--I Tuinformal you Ilhe or it Elleshe or it On--one Nous--we Vousformal or plural you Ilsthey (masculine) Ellesthey (feminine)

2 Direct Object Pronouns Me--me Te--you Lehim or it Laher or it Nous--us Vous--you Les--them

3 Position of Direct Object pronouns: They are usually placed BEFORE the conjugated verb: Je vois Paul. I see Paul. Je le vois. I see him. Je ne le vois pas. I dont see him. Nous avons les livres. We have the books. Nous les avons. We have them. Nous ne les avons pas. We dont have them. They are looking for you. Ils te/vous cherchent. Ils ne te/vous cherchent pas. They arent looking for you. George hates me. Georges me déteste. Georges ne me déteste pas!

4 Wouldnt you know? Just to confuse us sometimes the direct object pronouns are placed elsewhere! In an affirmative command (telling someone what to do), place the direct object pronoun AFTER the verb attached by a hyphen. Note: In this case me becomes moi, and te become toi just for the sake of sound. Call me. Appelez-moi! Eat it. Mange-le! Lets look for them. Cherchons-les! Find her. Trouve-la! Help us. Aidez-nous! Forget it. Oubliez-le!

5 And then in a negative command….. The word order goes back to the original rule. Here are the same commands written in the negative: Appelez-moi; ne mappelez pas! Mange-le; ne le mange pas! Cherchons-les; ne les cherchons pas! Trouve-la; ne la trouve pas! Aidez-nous; ne nous aidez pas! Oubliez-le; ne loubliez pas!

6 Finalement……. If an infinitive follows the conjugated verb, put the pronoun BEFORE the infinitive: Il ne veut pas le lire. He doesnt want to read it. Tu peux lacheter. You can buy it. Nous voulons le manger maintenant. We want to eat it now. Jaime lécouter. I like listening to it.

7 Essayons! Replace the underlined word with the correct direct object pronoun: 1.Paul aime la pizza. 2.Nous regardons la télé. 3.Lisez le livre! 4.Je veux conduire la voiture.

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