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Publié parFranck Godin Modifié depuis plus de 11 années
Chapitre 1
Vocabulaire Le fr ère La soeur Un ami Une amie De Une école Un collège Un élève Une élève
Describing a person Petit Grand Brun Blond Amusant Patient Intelligent Int éressant Sypathique Timide Énergique Égoïste Dynamique Populaire Sociable enthousiaste
Questions Qui? Do ù? Comment? Cest qui? De quelle nationalité?
Dautres mots Assez Tr ès Vraiment Voilà Aussi Secondaire Un/une Le/la/l/les
A, An MasculinFeminin Un garçonune fille Un élèveune élève Un livreune école Un classeurune chaise Un amiune amie
THE MasculinFemininBefore VowelPlural le lal les Le garcon est petit. La fille est petite. Lami est petit. Les amis sont petits.
Questions de g é ographie 1.What is the capital of France? _____________________ 2.What ocean borders France to the west? ______________________________ 3.What body of water separates France from the UK? __________________________ 4.What is the name of the sea that borders France to the south? ________________________________ 5.What is the name of the large, French island southeast of France? _____________________________ 6.What is the name of the river that flows through Paris on its way to the English Channel? ___________________________ 7.What is the name of the river that flows through Lyon on its way to the Mediterranean Sea? ___________________________ 8.What is the name of the mountain range that separates France and Italy? ______________________ 9.What is the name of the mountain range that separates France and Spain? ______________________ 10.Name six countries that border France on the north, east and southeast. _____________________________, _____________________________, _____________________________, _____________________________, _____________________________, and _____________________________.
Les r é ponses 1. What is the capital of France? Paris 2. What ocean borders France to the west? the Atlantic Ocean 3. What body of water separates France from the UK? the English Channel 4. What is the name of the sea that borders France to the south? the Mediterranean Sea 5. What is the name of the large, French island southeast of France? Corsica 6. What is the name of the river that flows through Paris on its way to the English Channel? the Seine River 7. What is the name of the river that flows through Lyon on its way to the Mediterranean Sea? the Rhone River 8. What is the name of the mountain range that separates France and Italy? the Alps 9. What is the name of the mountain range that separates France and Spain? the Pyrenees 10. Name six countries that border France on the north, east and southeast. Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and Monaco
Plan dEurope http://www.eduplace.com/ss/maps/pdf/eur_c ountry.pdf eur_country_a.pdf
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