03/02/06Miss Cranie The perfect tense The perfect tense.

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1 03/02/06Miss Cranie The perfect tense The perfect tense

2 03/02/06Miss Cranie The perfect tense (avoir) The perfect tense is one of the tenses used to talk about actions that took place and were completed in the past. The equivalent in English is the form I have finished but we can also say I finished The perfect tense in French is made up of 2 different parts.

3 03/02/06Miss Cranie Forma tion

4 03/02/06Miss Cranie The perfect tense (avoir) 1. The p pp present tense of the verb avoir (meaning to have) 2. A part of the verb called the past participle, like given, finished and done.

5 03/02/06Miss Cranie The perfect tense (avoir) present tense of avoir Jai Tuas Il/Elle/Ona Nousavons Vousavez Ils/Ellesont

6 03/02/06Miss Cranie The perfect tense (avoir) past participles Forming past participles -er verbs Take off - -er Then add + -é ExampleParler Parlé

7 03/02/06Miss Cranie The perfect tense (avoir) past participles Forming past participles -ir verbs Take off - -ir Then add + -i ExampleFinir Fini

8 03/02/06Miss Cranie The perfect tense (avoir) past participles Forming past participles -re verbs Take off - -re Then add + -u ExampleVendre Vendu

9 03/02/06Miss Cranie The perfect tense (avoir) Forming past participles. -er verbs-ir verbs-re verbs Take off: -er -ir-re and add:-é-i-u Example:parler - parlé finir - fini vendre - vendu

10 03/02/06Miss Cranie Exampl es

11 03/02/06Miss Cranie The perfect tense (avoir) Lets look at some examples: a) Jai acheté. b) Nous avons lavé la vaisselle. c) Mathilde a fini ses devoirs. d) Ils ont puni leur chien. e) Vous avez entendu la musique? f) Elle a vendu sa bicyclette.

12 03/02/06Miss Cranie The perfect tense (avoir) Some irregular verbs These verbs must be learned off by heart! Je reçois £10.(recevoir) –Jai reçu £10. Je fais la vaisselle.(faire) –Jai fait la vaisselle.

13 03/02/06Miss Cranie Exceptions to the rule There are some important verbs such as aller (to go) which use the present tense of être as the helper verb. Singular Je suis Tu es Il/ Elle /On est Plural Noussommes Vousêtes Ils/Ellessont When we use être as the helper verb the past participle ending must agree. E.g. il est allé, elle est allée

14 03/02/06Miss Cranie

15 03/02/06Miss Cranie http://www.quia.com/cb/25938.html http://atschool.eduweb.co.uk/rgshiwyc/school/curric/French/PerfectTe nse/Perfect2.htm http://www.quia.com/rr/93547.html http://atschool.eduweb.co.uk/rgshiwyc/school/curric/French/Perf ectTense/Perfect1.htm

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