_____________________ Il est comment? L/O: To practise using adjectives to describe people STARTER – Pg. 31 ex 2a Copy each sentence in your book and match.

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Présentation au sujet: "_____________________ Il est comment? L/O: To practise using adjectives to describe people STARTER – Pg. 31 ex 2a Copy each sentence in your book and match."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 _____________________ Il est comment? L/O: To practise using adjectives to describe people STARTER – Pg. 31 ex 2a Copy each sentence in your book and match with the people in the pictures. Eg/ Jai les yeux bleus et les cheveux blonds et mi-longs. I have blue eyes and blonde, mid-length hair. Stéphanie

2 How to complete a gap-fill exercise Je ___________ Angelinachien / mappelle / trois mappelle Jai les _______ bleusyeux / cheveux / brunsyeux Il a un chat ___________noire / raides / blanc blanc TASK Fill in the gaps on your sheet. Stick in and then write in English underneath

3 Salut! Je ___________Thomas. Jai ______ ans. Jai deux oiseaux et un __________. Mon chat sappelle Whiskers. Il a cinq ans. Jai les yeux ____________ et les cheveux __________ et courts. Mon anniversaire est le quatorze _____________. mappelleonze chatnoirs noisette septembre TASK – Copy the text and fill in the gaps. Extension - Write the English underneath mappelle onze chat noisette noirs septembre

4 1. I have blue eyes 2.He has long brown hair 3.I have blonde hair 4.I have two birds 5.Luc has brown eyes and black hair 6.Ruth has green eyes and ginger hair 7.Mohamed has curly mid-length hair 8.Jamal has green eyes and short black hair 9.I am 7 years old and I have wavy brown hair and hazel eyes 10.Beyonce has long wavy light brown hair and brown eyes 11.Andrea is 11 years old. She has straight brown hair. 12. My name is Sophie. I have long curly black hair and grey eyes. I have two black dogs and a black and orange cat. Write the following in your book in French


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