In our history-geography classroom, there are some world maps and there is a globe to show where the countries and towns are located in the world. The.

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3 In our history-geography classroom, there are some world maps and there is a globe to show where the countries and towns are located in the world. The teacher quotes major events or battles on a time line. To show us pictures or frescoes, our history teacher needs a video projector thats why he has one in his room. We have got an overhead too.

4 It is our classroom.

5 There is a world map. Maps:

6 There is a map of Europe.

7 There is a map of Corsica.

8 There is a globe.

9 There is a video projector.

10 There is an overhead.

11 It is our history- geography book.

12 Questions: Bonjour, pouvez-vous vous présenter sil vous plaît? Quel est le programme dhistoire des classes de 4èmes? Et celui de géographie? Est-ce important de parler de lAngleterre en histoire? Parle-t-on de lIrlande? Avez-vous déjà parlé de lAngleterre cette année? Avions-nous déjà eu un roi français dorigine anglaise? Si oui à quel siècle a-t-il vécu? Y a-t-il déjà eu une guerre entre la France et lAngleterre? Y a-t-il eu un évènement marquant commun à lhistoire de la France et à celle des Iles Britanniques? Voulez-vous rajouter quelque chose?

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