Mercredi 27 septembre Français PreAP/AP

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1 Mercredi 27 septembre Français PreAP/AP
Aux Jeux Olympiques de Paris de 1900, les femmes participent aux épreuves pour la première fois ainsi que le français Constantin Henriquez de Zubiera qui a la peau noire. Il a gagné la médaille d’or en rugby. It is the first time women participate in the Games of Paris in 1900, along with the French athlete Constantin Henriquez de Zubiera who is black and who won the gold medal in rugby. Revoir le travail de lundi Mots AP Présentations demain

2 Mots obligatoires (mots AP)
Tout d’abord (first off) Aimer mieux (like better) Pour ma part (as far as I am concerned) Quant à moi (as for me) Sans parler de (without mentioning…) Autant dire que ( might as well say that…) En conséquence (As a result) Il paraît que (it seems that…I heard that…) Cependant (However) Pour ainsi dire (so to speak)

3 Mercredi 27 septembre Français I
Aux Jeux Olympiques de Paris de 1900, les femmes participent aux épreuves pour la première fois ainsi que le français Constantin Henriquez de Zubiera qui a la peau noire. Il a gagné la médaille d’or en rugby. It is the first time women participate in the Games of Paris in 1900, along with the French athlete Constantin Henriquez de Zubiera who is black and who won the gold medal in rugby. Revoir les nombres 0-60 L’heure : Quelle heure il est?* Quelle heure est-t-il? ►Il est ____ heure(s) Diapo + carousel

4 Mercredi 27 septembre Français II
Aux Jeux Olympiques de Paris de 1900, les femmes participent aux épreuves pour la première fois ainsi que le français Constantin Henriquez de Zubiera qui a la peau noire. Il a gagné la médaille d’or en rugby. It is the first time women participate in the Games of Paris in 1900, along with the French athlete Constantin Henriquez de Zubiera who is black and who won the gold medal in rugby. Finish translations Library – last day editing, tomorrow and Friday, exclusively talking. Monday everybody is ready to present.

5 I bought a tuxedo for my brother’s wedding (the wedding of my brother)
I bought a tuxedo for my brother’s wedding (the wedding of my brother) . It is expensive. It costs 1200 €. I got it at Pronuptia. I chose some high heels from my best friend, I found them at La Halle. They are polka dots blue and red. They are originals. I found long black leather high heel boots. I chose them to go with my yellow floral skirt. I got a hat, it has white and black stripes. I bought it for my sister’s birthday. I bought a belt. It is orange. It is to go with my white pants. I got it at Tati, I bought it 6 €. It is not expensive. I bought a silk bow tie, it is original, it is plaid red and green. It is for my boyfriend’s party (soirée) I bought shoes for my birthday, I got them on sale. I found a very nice Prince of Wales’s suit (woman’s suit), it is to wear with my lace hat.

6 L’heure Quelle heure il est? Quelle heure est-il?
IL EST --- 1H05 ► Une heure cinq IL EST --- 2H15► Deux heures quinze IL EST --- 5H35► Cinq heures trente-cinq

7 L’Heure Il est midi IL est minuit Il est tôt Il est tard
15 = quinze/et quart 30 = trente/ et demie 45 = quarante-cinq/ (+1) moins le quart

8 L’ Heure What time is it?► It is► Army time 12, 13, 14, 15, /0h 5h45► il est cinq HEURES quarante-cinq OR ► Il est six heures moins le quart OR ►il est dix-sept heures quarante-cinq.

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