Français 2, 22 mai 2017 Faites l’interro 9-2A, l’etape A.

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1 Français 2, 22 mai 2017 Faites l’interro 9-2A, l’etape A.
Someone asked my boss, “How many people work here?” He said, “Oh, about four out of six.” Pardonner – to forgive. Je te pardonne. I forgive you. Goals – Practice knowing when to use l’imparfait instead of passé composé. Look at direct object pronouns. Les Devoirs – Faites l’interro 9-2A, l’etape C.

2 Français 2, 23 mai 2017 Ouvrez vos livres à la page 302. Faites le 9.
How many vampires does it take to change a lightbulb? Récompenser – to reward. Je dois te récompenser. I have to reward you. Goals – get more solid on direct object pronouns in the passé compose. Les Devoirs – A la page 303, faites le 10. None, they like the dark.

3 Français 2, 24 mai 2017 Ouvrez vos livres à la page 198. Faites #26 Ecoute. In what month do people talk the least? Comment – How. Comment va-t-on faire alors? Then how are we going to do it? Goals – Practice encouraging and complaining. Les Devoirs – Faites #27, à la page 198. February

4 Français 2, 25 mai 2017 Ouvrez vos livres à la page 347. Faites le 6.
What is the best way to keep water from running? Rapporter – to bring back. Veux-tu que je te rapporte quelque chose? Do you want me to bring you anything back? Goals – Use Pictionnaire to help memorize illnesses and passé compose with reflexive verbs. Les Devoirs – rough Draft Dialogue 7-2. Don’t pay the bill

5 Français 2, 26 mai 2017 Faites l’interro 7-1A, l’etape D.
What did the psychologist say to patient that said he was suicidal? Tu nous as menés en bateau, avec tes promesses. You took us for a ride with your promises. Goals – Introduce chapter 12 vocabulary. Les Devoirs - Faites l’interro 7-1A, l’etape C. Pay in advance.

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