Les nombres.

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Présentation au sujet: "Les nombres."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Les nombres

2 21-30 21 vingt et un 22 vingt-deux 22 vingt-trois 24 vingt-quatre
23 vingt-cinq 26 vingt-six 24 vingt-sept 28 vingt-huit 25 vingt-neuf 30 trente

3 40-100 40 quarante 90 quatre-vingt-dix 50 cinquante 100 cent
60 soixante 200 deux cents 70 soixante-dix 300 trois cents 80 quartre-vingts 1000 mille

4 Quel numero?

5 1. How many days are in a week?
Answer with a French number.

6 2. How many months in a year?

7 3. How many hours in a day? Answer:

8 4. How many things in a dozen?

9 5. How many minutes in a hour?

10 6. How many people are there on a basketball team?

11 7. How many members are in One Direction?

12 8. What is the number of the latest version of the iPhone?

13 9. How many stars are on the flag?

14 10. How many people are on a baseball team?

15 11. How many years are in a decade?

16 12. How many pennies are in a dollar?

17 13. How many tires do 5 bicycles have?

18 14. How many letters in the word Facebook?

19 15. How much money is this? Answer:

20 Stop! Click here and play games. French Number Game French number game 2 French Game 3

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