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Publié parFlorentin Fortier Modifié depuis plus de 6 années
Français 2, 28 Novembre 2016 Dans le livre de français 1, ouvrez vos livres à la page 369. Faites le 23. How can you jump off a fifty-foot ladder and not get hurt? Saponify – to convert into soap. Goals – Add vocabulary of places around town to reference sheet. Learn about and practice with prepsitions that show location. Learn about “y.” Les Devoirs – Dans le livre de français 1, faites le 10 à la page 379.
Français 2, 29 Novembre 2016 Dans le livre de français 1, ouvrez vos livres à la page 370. Faites le 26. What did the painter say to his girlfriend? Ylem – the primordial stuff from which the various elements of matter were formed – neutrons, protons, etc. Goals – Practice with “y” and infinitives. More practice with location relationships. Begin giving directions. Les Devoirs – Write directions from the school to the Court house in Okanogan and Safe way in Omak. Two sets of directions.
Français 2, 30 Novembre 2016 Ouvrez vos livres a la page 371. Faites #27 Ecoutons. How do you spell a hated opponent with only three letters? Cher/chère – expensive. Ça va lui coûter cher! He’ll pay for that! Goals – Focus on giving directions. Written and verbal Les Devoirs – A la page 379, faites le 10.
Français 2, 1 decembre 2016 Ouvrez vos livres à la page 373. Faites le 29. Ecrivez des phrases complets. What is a polygon? Si – if. Si je ne le rends pas…If I don’t give it back… Goals – Continue working giving directions to various locations and relationship between places at the destination. Les Devoirs – A la page 55, faites le 10.
Français 2, 2 decembre 2016 Ouvrez vos livres à page 373. Faites le Prononciation. Fr. 1 book. What do you call a bunch of chickens playing hide and seek? Les autres – other people. C’est facile, regarde les autres danser. It’s easy, look at the other people dancing. Goals – Directions and location relationships with the obstacle course. Discuss dialogue 2-3 Les Devoirs – Ecrivez le premier dialogue 2-3.
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