1, Translate the weather forecast phrases into English

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Présentation au sujet: "1, Translate the weather forecast phrases into English"— Transcription de la présentation:

1 1, Translate the weather forecast phrases into English
3, Translate the passage below 4, Translate the passage below 2 5, Translate the passage below

J’étais allée en France Nous étions restés dans un camping J’avais voyagé en avion On avait aussi pris le train J’avais mangé au restaurant Ma soeur avait oublié son passeport Nous avions bu du vin Mes parents avaient acheté des cadeaux pour leurs amis J’avais voulu visiter les monuments mais il avait commencé à pleuvoir (to rain) 6a – Using pouvoir TRANSLATE INTO FRENCH One can do recycling One can go by bus I can use public transport I can stay in France on hoiday One can avoid (éviter) planes I can waste less One can use less electricity One can do charity work 6b – Using devoir TRANSLATE INTO FRENCH One must use public transport One must go to school on foot I must do my homework One must consider the environment One must waste less I must stop using my computer I must travel less One must drink water 9 7

3 10 12 11

4 13 16, Translate the key words into English 14, Translate the key words into English 17, Translate the key words into English 15, Translate the environmental problems into English

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