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D0-France a Grenoble G. Bernardi Merci au LPSC

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1 D0-France a Grenoble G. Bernardi Merci au LPSC
pour accueillir ce meeting et au Comité d’organisation présidé par Jan et au comité local pour l’avoir organisé

2 Average data-taking efficiency: ~ 90%
Operations > 4.1 fb -1 Average data-taking efficiency: ~ 90% ICHEP Results will be based on up to ~2.8 fb-1 of high quality recorded luminosity Much thanks to accelerator division! > 3.6 fb -1 DØ Run IIb Upgrade 2002/ / / / / / /5

3 Computing Good news is we are ~keeping up with data taking and producing lots of Monte Carlo Less good news: systems require a lot of effort, and some are not stable Sustained effort needed from the collaboration Challenging problems with interesting ties to the future of computing In2p3 Bravo Patrice et al. !!! Data MC

4 Publications Publications in 2008
24 submitted since the beginning of the year 18 since last collaboration meeting (Feb 22nd) 1 since Dmitri’s opening talk on Wednesday The quality of publications improves with your comments Part de d0-france?

5 Tevatron Running in 2010 Fermilab Physics Advisory Committee (PAC)
Meeting, 28 March, 2008: presentations from D. Glenzinski (CDF) and Erich Varnes (D0). letter of May 2, 2008: “Based on these presentations, the Committee reaffirms its previous recommendations that it would be prudent to plan for the possibility of a run in The collaborations have shown that there is enough commitment to maintain the necessary manpower. Such a run would continue to produce world-class physics.” P5 (Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel) Presenting their report in Washington DC next week (29-30 May) at the HEPAP meeting recommendations on 2010 running, among other things (Project X, neutrino program, ILC, …) 2010 RUNNING if…

6 Implications actuelles de l’IN2P3
Représentation dans D0: Gouvernance: Institutional Board: – Dep. Chair: E. Kajfasz? International Finance Committee: G. Bernardi Calorimeter Operations: W. Geist Software-Algorithms: Calorimeter Algorithms: P. Lebrun Computing: T. Kurca Generators: G. Grenie Physique: New Phenomena: P. Verdier V+jets : J.-F. Grivaz Higgs/NP cdf-d0 combination: G. Bernardi & J.-F. Grivaz Electroweak -> Masse du W: P. Petroff & J. Stark Editorial Boards (16 sur 36 dont 7 que nous présidons) Speakers Bureau: E. Kajfasz?

7 Thèses récentes, en cours ou futures
2008: demarrage possible de 3 theses In2p3 (LPNHE, Clermont, CPPM) + 2 theses au CEA Envisager des theses D0 – LHC pour l’annee prochaine

8 Post-doctorants / CDD-HN
L’annee prochaine de 1 a 5 post-docs…!

9 Volontaires? Walter demande renouvellement
Expatriations Volontaires? Walter demande renouvellement

10 Budget 2008 et Demandes 2009 Ca devrait aller!
Obtenu en 2008: mar str lyo lal cle par gre wkshop total ~320 kE Demandes 2009: mar str lyo lal cle par gre effectifs total demande' total kE Ca devrait aller!

11 Conclusion Nos objectifs sont clairs (cf ANR’s), et d’un interet primordial Nous devons continuer a consolider notre participation: à l’opération de la manip aux algorithmes/IDs/Simulation aux analyses (p17 et) p20 PARTICIPER AUX REUNIONS (phys. Wkshops, Prague..)  maximiser notre production scientifique dans les mois et années qui viennent Et aussi faire un effort de transmission de l’experience acquise au Tevatron pour les manips LHC (workshops, contacts, prise de participation)

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