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-er verbs French I
Important points In French, there are three groups of verbs:
-er, -ir, -re. To conjugate a regular –er verb, you drop the –er and add the appropriate ending.
-er endings je –e nous –ons tu –es vous –ez il/elle/ on –e ils/elles -ent
Aimer- to like/ to love j’aime nous aimons* tu aimes vous aimez* il/elle/on aime ils/elles aiment* *The s in nous, vous. ils, elles is pronounced like a z.
Other –er verbs ecouter- to listen jouer- to play travailler- to work
etudier- to study adorer- to adore telephoner *To say what you and others like or don’t like to do, use the conjugation of aimer and the infinitive of another verb: Elle aime lire.
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