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Publié parKristin Terry Modifié depuis plus de 6 années
Reflexive Verbs Reflexive Verbs are verbs preceded by the pronoun “se” in infinitive form. For example, se laver ( to wash oneself ), se nourrir ( to feed oneself), s’habiller ( to put cloth on oneself), etc At Present Tense, reflexive verbs are conjugated as all the verbs, but the pronoun “se” change according to the subject: Present Tense of the verb “se laver” (to wash oneself) je ME lave ( I wash myself ) tu TE laves ( you wash yourself ) il/elle/ SE lave ( he/she washes himself/herself ) nous NOUS lavons ( we wash ourselves ) vous VOUS lavez ( you wash yourself/you wash yourselves ) ils/elles SE lavent ( they wash themselves) Past participles agree with not the subject but the pronouns “Me”, “ Te”, “ Se”, “ Nous “, “vous”, “se” Elle s’est lavée ( Elle a lavé qui? Elle –même, ponoun “s” , COD Elles se sont téléphoné (Elles ont téléphoné à qui? À elles. “ Se” is a COI because introduced by la preposition “à “. **** To Students : using your smart phones, make a list of more reflexive verbs; then , look for the meanings of those verbs; Finally, write in a few lines things you do to yourself often.
Passé Composé Reflexive Verbs are conjugated all with the auxilary “ être ”. Ex. For reflexive verb “ se laver “ Je me suis lavé(e) Tu t’es lavé(e) il s’est lavé / elle s’est lavée Nous nous sommes lavé(e)s vous vous êtes lavé(e)s Ils se sont lavés / elles se sont lavées
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