Pronoms Compléments d'objets directs

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1 Pronoms Compléments d'objets directs

2 - noun that receives the action of the verb.
Direct Objects (D.O.): - noun that receives the action of the verb. Example: Il adore la France. la France = D.O. - answers the question what? Or whom? Example: Je donne un examen.(I give a test.) (I give what? a test = D.O.) un examen = D.O. - Direct object pronouns (D.O.P.) replace D.O. nouns. Example: Je le donne. (I give it.)

3 D.O.P. replace nouns that refer to
specific persons, places, objects, or situations: Example: Il adore la France. Il l’adore. Je regarde le chien. Je le regarde. Tu cherches ta cousine. Tu la cherches.

4 Direct Object Pronouns:
le (l’) him, it me (m’) me la (l’) her, it te (t’) you les them nous we vous you

5 In French, the DOP immediately
PRECEDES the verb in the present tense and the auxiliary verb in the passé composé. 3rd person DOP agree in number and gender with the noun that they replace. le (l’) M.S. nouns la (l’) F.S. nouns les M.P. and F.P. nouns Vous lisez le livre? Oui, je le lis. Vous lisez les livres? Oui, je les lis.

6 If the verb following the DOP begins
with a vowel, then me, te, le, la become m’, t’, l’, l’. Tu admires la France? Oui, je l’admire. Qui est-ce que tu cherches? Je te cherche. Qui est-ce que tu aimes? Je t’aime.

7 If the DOP is the object of an
infinitive, it is placed directly before the infinitive and AFTER the conjugated verb. Example: Nous allons regarder le film. Nous allons le regarder. Ils veulent étudier le français. Ils veulent l’étudier If the sentence is negative, the DOP still immediately precedes the verb of which it is the object.

8 Example: Nous ne regardons pas la télé.
Nous ne la regardons pas. Elle ne va pas acheter les billets. Elle ne va pas les acheter. DOP also precede voilà and voici. Le voilà! (Here it (he) is!) Te voici! (Here you are!) DOP comes after the verb in a positive command. Prends-le! (Take it! / Take him!) Regarde-la! (Watch it! / Watch her!)


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