Chansons de Noël.

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Présentation au sujet: "Chansons de Noël."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Chansons de Noël

2 Chansons de Noël This PowerPoint contains:
Slides 3 to 8: lyrics, with sound files, a translation, and illustrations for the song, Papa Noël, Papa Noël to the tune of: Frère Jacques Slides 9 to 13: flashcards, to be used with the song. Slides 14 to 20: lyrics, with sound files, a translation, and illustrations for the Père Noël, Père Noël song, to the tune of: Jingle Bells Slides 21 to 26: flashcards, to be used with the song. Slide 27: teacher’s notes related to Christmas songs

3 To the tune of Frère Jacques
Papa Noël, Papa Noël .... To the tune of Frère Jacques

4 Papa Noël, Papa Noël Father Christmas Papa Noël What are you doing?
Qu’est-ce que tu fais ? Je mets les cadeaux Sous le sapin Father Christmas What are you doing? I’m putting the presents Under the Christmas tree

5 Papa Noël Papa Noël

6 Qu’est-ce que tu fais ? Qu’est-ce que tu fais ?

7 Je mets les cadeaux Je mets les cadeaux

8 Sous le sapin Sous le sapin

9 Papa Noël, Papa Noël Flashcards


11 ?



14 To the tune of Jingle Bells
Père Noël, Père Noël .... To the tune of Jingle Bells

15 Père Noël, Père Noël Père Noël Oh le beau sapin ! Des étoiles jaunes
Des boules rouges Et des beaux cadeaux ! Father Christmas Oh the beautiful Christmas tree! Some yellow stars Some red baubles And some beautiful present

16 Père Noël Père Noël

17 Oh le beau sapin !

18 Des étoiles jaunes

19 Des boules rouges

20 Et des beaux cadeaux !

21 Père Noël, Père Noël Flashcards






27 Chansons de Noël Teacher’s notes Christmas
You will find some resources on the topic of Christmas in our Suggested Planning and Associated Resources section. On the PowerLanguage CDs / Section 2 / Songs, you will find an original song entitled “Père Noël” (to the tune of: Jingle Bells), with a karaoke version. 3. You could get your pupils to create their own version of the 2 songs presented on this PowerPoint, by changing some of the Christmas decoration items, some colours, etc. 4. In the Christmas dossier, Responsive Resources section, you will also find a link to a French online Advent Calendar. Chansons de Noël Teacher’s notes

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