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Mardi, le 14 novembre 14/11/17
Journal Qu’est-ce que tu aimes manger? Qu’est-ce que tu n’aimes pas?
AP III Qu’est-ce que tu aimes manger? Qu’est-ce que tu n’aimes pas? Quand j’étais/j’ai été petit, j’aimais/j’ai amié faire de petits voyages. J’avais/j’ai eu de la chance parce que mes parents voyageaient/ont voyagé souvent. Une fois, nous allions/sommes allée en Bretagne. Journal
Aujourd’hui La liste de vocabulaire Pg. 50-51 dans le livre jaune
AP III La liste de vocabulaire Pg dans le livre jaune Cahier pg , ex. VI Devoirs – le test, pg. 66, ex. I Finissez ch. 5 Les verbes réfléchis Tomorrow, bring something to do – or you can use the hour to finish your story board for ch. 5 Aujourd’hui
Reflexive and/or prenominal verbs
Pronominal verbs often express reflexive actions, that is, the subject performs the action on itself. If the subject performs the action on someone else, the verb is not reflexive.
Compare the difference in meaning between se raser and raser
Est-ce que Tex se rase? Mais non, Tex, c'est un tatou. Il n'a pas de cheveux. Does Tex shave? Why no, Tex is an armadillo. He has no hair. Qu'est-ce qu'il fait, Tex, avec le rasoir? Il rase Joe-Bob pour l'été. What's Tex doing with the razor? He's shaving Joe-Bob for the summer.
To negate pronominal verbs, place the ne before the reflexive pronoun and the pas after the verb.
Les Verbes Réfléchis… https://www.laits.utexas.edu/tex/gr/vpr1.html
Remember: Reflexive and reciprocal verbs are ones that you either do to yourself (like wash yourself, dress yourself, brush your own hair and teeth) or that are done to each other (like talk to each other, write each other, call each other, love each other). These verbs need the pronominal pronouns: Je me lave Nous nous lavons Tu te laves Vous vous lavez Il, elle, on se lave Ils, elles se lavent So… Read and try some…
Let’s try some: I get up We talk to each other She brushes her teeth
They get dressed You love yourself? You guys call each other
He breaks his leg I wash my hair We cut our hair You guys wake up They call each other You love yourself
English 10A Vocab is due Vocab warm-up Finish Antigone
In writer’s notebook, pick who you think is more right Find evidence to support your claim Our Antigone essay “test” will be Friday, then reading time.
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