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Journée d’information H2020 SC2
Tunis 28/11/2017 PCN-BIO Christophe Cotillon Antoine Kieffer ACTIA
Du 7e PCRD à Horizon 2020... 2007-2013 « 7e PCRD »
HORIZON 2020 : près de 80 milliards €, le plus gros budget dédié à la recherche et l’innovation dans l’histoire de l’Union européenne (...FP7 : ± 50 milliards €...) <8% du cadre financier pluriannuel de l'UE (± 908 B€) au service de la "stratégie Europe 2020" au coeur de l’une des 7 initiatives phares "Union de l’innovation" contribuant à l'Espace Européen de la Recherche "EER/ERA" Une approche intégrée, de la recherche à la commercialisation, vers davantage d’innovation ("Bring ideas to the market") « 7e PCRD » Objectif : bâtir l’Europe de la connaissance « Horizon 2020 » Objectif : bâtir l’Europe de l’innovation
Une logique de financement par appels à propositions
Sélection par mise en concurrence sur appel à propositions "Tout le monde" peut participer Evaluations par des experts indépendants Procédure en deux étapes pour les gros projets (RIA et IA), une seule étape pour les plus petits (CSA) mais sujet à variation selon les appels Une nouvelle approche "en cascade" pour HORIZON 2020 Un programme spécifique publié par la CE, pour mettre en oeuvre H2020 (7 ans...) un programme stratégique (réflexion sur priorités pour 3-4 ans) un programme de travail (pour 2 ans...), publié annuellement
Architecture d'Horizon 2020 ( 3 Piliers *)
Excellence Scientifique 4 objectifs Conseil Européen de la Recherche (ERC) (Frontier Res; indiv.) Technologies Futures & Emergentes (FET)(Bottom-up; collab.) Actions Marie- Sklodowska Curie (Carrier devel; indiv.) Infrastructures de Recherche Primauté Industrielle 3 objectifs 1. Leadership dans les technologies génériques & industrielles (LEIT) TIC Nano Matériaux avancés Biotechnologie Sys. product. avancés Espace 2. Accès au Financement à Risque 3. Innovation dans les PME Défis Sociétaux 7 défis (challenges) Santé, changement démo-graphique & bien-être Sécurité alimentaire, agriculture & foresterie durables, rech. marine..., & Bioéconomie Energie efficiente, propre et sûre Transports intelligents, verts et intégrés Climat Sociétés Inclusives, innovantes & réflexives Sécurité Diffusion de l'Excellence & Elargissement de la Participation EURATOM Science avec & pour la Société Institut Européeen de l'Innovation & la Technologie (EIT) Centre Commun de Recherche (JRC) * décrits dans le "Programme spécifique" publié dès 2013
Programme spécifique (2014-2020) 5 domaines...
Le défi sociétal 2 (SC2) Programme spécifique ( ) 5 domaines... Programme de travail (2016 & 2017) 4 appels à propositions... 1. Agriculture & foresterie durables Réflexion stratégique 1. Call for Sustainable Food Security (SFS) 2. Secteur agro-alimentaire durable et compétitif pour une alimentation sûre et saine 2. Call for Blue Growth (BG) 3. Call for a Rural Renaissance (RUR) 3. Valorisation des ressources vivantes aquatiques 4. Call for Bio-based Innovation (BE) 4. Bio-industries durables et compétitives / Biotechnologies 5. Recherche marine, maritime et sur les eaux intérieures + Contribution of SC2 to other parts of H2020 (LEIT, Smart cities, Circular economy ...) "BBI JU" (BioBased Industries Joint Undertaking) (PPP: 800 Mio€ / 7 ans ; 2e appel: à/c de mai 2015)
Des nouvelles modalités de projet en lien avec le PEI-AGRI
L’approche « multi-acteurs » Projets d’innovation en réponse à une demande sociétale Nécessité d’impliquer tous les types d’acteurs compétents autour d’un thème ou d’un sujet, de la phase de conception du projet jusqu’à la phase de transfert et de dissémination. Complémentarité à la fois disciplinaire mais aussi en termes de compétences entre les acteurs (Recherche, Expérimentation, Conseil, Transfert) Nécessité d’améliorer l’échange de savoir et de connaissances entre tous les acteurs. Objectif de d’aboutir à des solutions pratiques et opérationnelles applicables par les «end-users » et diffusées via les réseaux du PEI-AGRI
Programmation Grandes tendances / nouveautés
Défi sociétal 2 : WP 5 orientations stratégiques du scoping paper Changement climatique et résilience « on land and sea » Transition vers une bioéconomie circulaire Des écosystèmes fonctionnels, des systèmes alimentaires durables et des modes de vie sains Innovation sur terre et en mer : nouveaux produits, chaines de valeur et marchés Développer des territoires et chaines de valeurs intelligents et connectés dans les zones rurales et côtières
SC2 WP at a glance
Highlights Valorising functional biodiversity; Unlocking the potential of microbiome in a food systems approach; more healthy and sustainable foods, animals, plants; personalised nutrition; alternative proteins; climate smart farming; better soil, water and waste management; Citizen-driven sustainable food systems in cities; Building capacities around clouds, labs, genetics; research in the context of the International Bioeconomy Forum (IBF); Total investment €135 million for the microbiome across Horizon 2020 Building sustainable food systems for healthy people & environment Circular Bioeconomy Thematic Investment Platform . Total EU contribution to risk-sharing financial instrument €100 million Building a circular bioeconomy All Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance: coordination of maritime research and innovation in the Atlantic; marine ecosystems; new aquaculture value chains; Future of the Seas and Oceans flagship: Blue cloud; observations and forecasting; observation technologies Total investment over €100 million Oceans and Seas research flagships Digital integration platforms; digital service platforms for rural economies; digital innovation hubs for agriculture; preparing farmers for the digital age; digital solutions and tools for CAP modernisation Total investment over €60 million Enabling the digital revolution in rural economies Support to FNSSA implementation; Food systems Africa; Sustainable intensification in Africa; Diversifying revenue in rural sub-saharan Africa; Integrated approaches to food safety controls; Sustainable soils and land management; organic fertilisers Total investment €115 million InCo: EU-Africa Partnership on Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture & EU-China Flagship initiative
Call for Sustainable Food Security (SFS): Resilient and resource-efficient value chains
"Sécurité alimentaire durable..." Assurer la disponibilité et l'accès à une nourriture suffisante, saine et nutritive... WP "Draft 1": 33 topics 19 « topics » pour 2018 26 « topics » pour 2019 14 « topics » pour 2020 1
Deadlines for submission
1 step proposals : 13 February 2018 23 January 2019 2 steps proposals: 13 February 2018/23 January 2019 11 September 2018 / 04 September 2019
Sustainable Food Security
SFS structure Sustainable Food Security From functional ecosystems to healthy food Environment and climate smart food production and consumption Targeted international cooperation Building capacities 6 Topics 6 Topics 8 Topics 13 Topics Type of actions applied: RIA, IA, CSA,
Contribution of SFS to Focus Areas
LC Low Carbon DT Digitisation LC-SFS : Microbiome applications LC-SFS : Future proofing our plants LC-SFS : Alternative proteins for food and feed LC-SFS : Climate- smart and resilient farming LC-SFS : European Joint Programme on agricultural soil management LC-SFS : Forest soils Research and Innovation Action LC-SFS : Food Systems Africa DT-SFS : Personalised Nutrition DT-SFS : Food Cloud Demonstrators CE Circular Economy CE—SFS : Food systems approaches in cities CE-SFS : Valorising urban biowaste
Structure of a topic Specific challenge Scope Expected impact
Type of action
TRL: Technical Readyness Level
1 Call for Sustainable Food Security (SFS) ./.
1.1 From functional ecosystems to healthy food - (17 topics ; p.1/3) 1 SFS /2019/2020 : Biodiversity in action : across farmland and the value chain A:2018 Small organisms, big effects for plants RIA, 14 M€ (X2) B:2019 Capitalising on native biodiversity in farmland landscape RIA, 16 M€ (X2) C:2020 From agrobiodiversity to dynamic value chains RIA LC-SFS : Microbiome applications for sustainable food systems IA, 42 M€ (X4) SFS /2020 : Integrated health approaches and alternatives towards pesticide use A:2019 Integration of plant protection in a global Health approach RIA, 15 M€ B: 2020 Biocidal and plant protection products IA SFS /2019/2020 : New and emerging risks to plant health RIA, 7M€ SFS /2020 : Stepping up integrated pest management A: 2018 Decision support systems RIA, 5M€ B: 2020 EU wide demonstration farm network CSA ./.
1 Call for Sustainable Food Security (SFS) ./.
1.1 From functional ecosystems to healthy food - (17 topics) (p.2/3) 1 SFS : Making European beekeeping healthy and sustainable RIA, 8 M€ SFS /2019 : Improving animal welfare A:2018 Organic and low-input farming RIA, 10M€ (X2) B:2019 Precision livestock farming IA, 6M€ SFS /2019 : Anti-microbials and animal production A:2018 Rethinking management of health of farmed animals RIA, 12M€ (X2) B:2019 Alternative to anti-microbials RIA, 6M€ SFS : A vaccine against African Swine Fever IA, 10M€ ./.
1 Call for Sustainable Food Security (SFS)
1.1 From functional ecosystems to healthy food - (17 topics) (p.3/3) 1 DT-SFS /2019 : Personalized Nutrition IA, 28M€ (X4) LC- SFS : Future proofing our plants évaluation qualités végétales CSA, 3M€ SFS : Towards healthier and sustainable food RIA, 14 M€ (X2) LC-SFS : Alternative proteins for food and feed IA, 32M€ (X4) Focus areas : (DT) digitisation (LC) Low Carbon
1 Call for Sustainable Food Security (SFS)
1.2 Environment and climate smart food production and consumption – (5 topics) 1 LC-SFS : Climate-smart and resilient farming A: 2018 Microclimate management : from field to landscape RIA, 7M€ B: 2019 Efficiency and resilience of mixed farming and agroforestry systems RIA, 14M€ (X2) LC-SFS : European Joint Programme on agricultural soil management EJP Co-fund (50%), 40M€ LC-SFS : Forest soils Research and Innovation Action SFS : Integrated water management in small agriculture catchments RIA, 14M€ (X2) CE-SFS : Innovative and citizen-driven food system approaches in cities IA, 12M€ (X2) CE-SFS : Integrated system innovation in valorising urban biowaste IA, 20M€ (X2) Focus areas : (CE) circular economy (LC) Low Carbon
1 Call for Sustainable Food Security (SFS)
1.3 Building capacities – (5 topics) 1 DT-SFS : Food Cloud demonstrators From TRL 4-5 to TRL IA, 10M€ SFS Monitoring food R&I investments and impacts RIA, 7M€ SFS /2019/2020 : Genetic Resources and pre-breeding communities A: 2018 Joining forces for GenRes and biodiversity management CSA, 3M€ B: 2019 Adding value to plant GenRes RIA, 14M€ (X2) C: 2020 The GenRes-user interface and pre-breeding activities IA SFS : Innovations in plant variety testing – nouvelles variétés végétales RIA, 8 M€ SFS /2019/2020 : Agri-Aqua Labs A:2018 Understanding the genome of farmed animals, its expression and translation into traits- IA, 18M€ (X3) B: 2019 Looking beyond plant adaptation RIA, 10M€ (X2) C: 2020 Plant energy biology SFS : ERANETs in agri-food (tbc) A: 2019 ICT-Enabled Agri-food Systems Eranet Cofund, 6M€ B: 2019 Climate change and Food Systems Eranet Cofund, 5M€ C: 2019 International Veterinary Vaccinology Eranet Cofund, 5M€
1 Call for Sustainable Food Security (SFS)
1.4 Targeted international cooperation – (6 topics) 1 SFS (LC) : Supporting Microbiome Coordination and the International Bioeconomy Forum CSA, 3M€ EU- Africa partnership on food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture SFS : Support to the implementation of EU-Africa Research and Innovation Partnership on Food and Nutrition Security & Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA) CSA, 5M€ LC-SFS : Food Systems Africa RIA, 21M€ (X3) SFS /2020 : Sustainable Intensification in Africa A:2019 African Farming Systems, sustainable intensification pathways RIA, 7,5 M€ B:2019 Soil system for Africa RIA, 5M€ EU-China FAB Flagship initiative CE-SFS : Diversifying farmers’ income through small bio-based concepts SFS : Integrated approaches to food safety controls across the agri-food chain RIA, 8 M€ (X2) SFS : Highly efficient management of soil quality and land resources RIA, 5M€ CE-SFS : High-quality organic fertilisers from biogas digestate IA, 5M€
Renaissance rurale – favoriser l'innovation et l'activité économique
2 Call for a Rural Renaissance (RUR) Fostering innovation and business opportunities Renaissance rurale – favoriser l'innovation et l'activité économique Draft WP : 13 topics 10 topics pour 2018 7 topics pour 2019 5 topics pour 2020
Boosting innovation and enhancing human and social capital
2018/2020 RUR Call structure Rural renaissance From farm to society: understanding dynamics and modernising policies Organising sustainable food and non food value chains under changing condition Boosting innovation and enhancing human and social capital Taking advantage of the digital revolution 4 Topics 3 Topics 2 Topics 4 Topics
Contributions to focus areas
DT Digitisation LC Low Carbon DT-RUR ICT Innovation for agriculture – Digital Innovation Hubs for Agriculture DT-RUR Enabling the farm advisor community to prepare farmers for the digital age DT-RUR ICT Digital solutions and e-tools to modernize the CAP LC-RUR Sustainable wood value chains CE Circular Economy CE-RUR Closing nutrient cycles CE-RUR Circular biobased business models for rural communities
2 2. Call for a Rural renaissance
2.1 From farm to society: understanding dynamics and modernising policies – (4 topics) 2 RUR : Building modern rural policies on long-term visions and societal engagement A: 2018 Rural society-science-policy hub CSA, 5M€ B: 2018 Renewing rural generations, jobs and farms RIA, 6M€ C: 2019 Building resilient mountain value chains delivering private and public goods RIA, 6M€ RUR : Socio-economic impacts of digitisation of agriculture and rural areas RIA, 5M€ RUR : Contracts for effective and lasting delivery of agri-environmental public goods RIA, 5M€ RUR : Analytical tools and models to support policies related to agriculture and food A: 2018 Developing new models supporting policies related to agriculture RIA, 4M€ B: 2019 Modelling international trade in agri-food products RIA, 5M€
2 2. Call for a Rural renaissance
2.2 Organising sustainable food and non-food value chains under changing conditions – 2 CE-RUR /2019/2020 : Closing nutrient cycles A: 2018 Understanding properties and impacts of bio-based fertilisers RIA, 6M€ B: Bio-based fertilisers from animal manure IA, 8M€ C: 2020 Bio-based fertilisers from other by-products of the agro-food, fisheries, aquaculture or forestry sectors IA, 8M€ RUR : Realising the potential of regional and local bio-based economies CSA, 3M€ CE- RUR /2020 : Circular bio-based business models for rural communities IA, 10M€ LC- RUR /2020: Sustainable wood value chains A: 2019 Building with wood IA, 10M€ B: 2020 Resilient forest systems IA, 5M€
2 2. Call for a Rural renaissance
2.3 Taking advantage of the digital revolution – (5 topics) 2 DT-RUR : ICT Innovation for agriculture – Digital Innovation Hubs for Agriculture IA, 10M€ RUR : Enabling the farm advisor community to prepare farmers for the digital age CSA, 7M€ RUR : Digital solutions and e-tools to modernise the CAP IA, 10M€, maa
2 2. Call for a Rural renaissance
2.4 Boosting innovation and enhancing the human and social capital in rural areas – (2 topics) 2 RUR /2019/2020 : Thematic networks compiling knowledge ready for practice CSA, 12,43M€ – AKIS – EIP Agri CSA, 10M€ RUR : Fuelling the potential of advisors for innovation CSA, 5M€ - AKIS
Des nouvelles modalités de projet en lien avec le PEI-AGRI
Les Réseaux Thématiques: RUR 17 – « Thematic Networks compiling knowledge ready for practice” 5 CSA de 2M€ financées en 2016 et en 2017 Approche « multi-acteurs » mais sans actions de recherches, d’expérimentation et de démonstration. Réseaux centrés sur l’échange de savoirs et de connaissances dans l’objectif d’aboutir à des solutions pratiques et opérationnelles applicables par les «end-users » et diffusées via les réseaux du PEI-AGRI Référence aux « Groupes Opérationnels »: Approche « multi-acteurs » à l’échelle régionale/locale. Projets financés par les Conseils Régionaux via la mesure 16 du FEADER.
3 Call for Blue Growth (BG) : demonstrating an Ocean of Opportunities
Croissance Bleue: un océan de possiblités Draft WP: 9 topics 5 topics pour 2018 6 topics pour 2019 4 topics pour 2020
Blue Growth Call 2018-2019 DRAFT Indicative BUDGET: 166,5 M€
DRAFT Blue Growth Call Indicative BUDGET: 166,5 M€ Activity lines: 2.3 Exploiting the potential of aquatic living resources 2.5 Cross cutting marine and maritime research 9 Topics 2018: 77,5 M € 2019: 89 M € ERANET CSA RIA IA
DRAFT Blue Growth across H2020 Societal Challenges SC3 Energy SC4
DRAFT Blue Growth across H2020 wave energy floating wind farms aquatic biomass biofuel offshore storage of C02 Shipping renewable fuel Energy islands Societal Challenges INFRASTR LEIT SC5 SC4 SC3 SC2 BG SC3 Energy Innovative ships autonomous ships ship emissions unmanned activities underwater noise maritime transport safety Marine accidents response SC4 Transport Climate change, biodiversity and ecosystems recovery of sea resources sea level changes Cryosphere SC5 Climate
Industrial Leadership / Research Infrastructures Examples
BLUE GROWTH DRAFT Blue Growth across H2020 Industrial Leadership / Research Infrastructures Examples SPACE – Copernicus Marine Services, ocean models NMBP: off-shore energy materials INFRASTR LEIT SC5 SC4 SC3 SC2 BG LEIT Infrastructures Research Vessels
3 3. Call for Blue Growth: demonstrating an Ocean of Opportunities
BG : Towards a Baltic and North Sea research and innovation programme CSA, 2,5M€ BG : Blue Bioeconomy Public-Public Partnership ERANet Cofund, 8M€
3 3. Call for Blue Growth: Unlocking the potential of the Oceans
LC-BG : Sustainable harvesting of marine biological resources RIA, 12 M€ (X2) DT-BG /2019 : Sustainable EU aquaculture 4.0: nutrition and breeding 2018 IA, 18M€ (X3) BG : Multi-use of the marine space, offshore and near-shore: pilot demonstrators IA, 18M€ (X2) CE-BG : Sustainable solutions for bio-based plastics on land and sea IA, 18M€ (X2) Focus areas : (CE) circular economy (LC) Low Carbon
3 3. Call for Blue Growth: Unlocking the potential of the Oceans
BG /2020: The Future of Seas and Oceans Flagship Initiative A: 2019 Blue Cloud Services IA, 6M€ B: 2019 Observation and forecasting IA, 12M€ C : 2020 Technologies for observations IA BG /2019 : All Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance Flagship A: Coordination of marine and maritime research and innovation activities in the Atlantic Ocean CSA, 8M€ (X2) B: Assessing the status of Atlantic marine ecosystems RIA, 27M€ (X3) C: New value chains for aquaculture production RIA, 8M€ LC-BG : Coordination of marine and maritime research and innovation activities in the Black Sea CSA, 2M€ Focus areas : (CE) circular economy
4 Autres actions Circular Bioeconomy Thematic Investment Platform (risk-sharing financial instrument) Support to Research and Innovation Policy in the area of bio-based products and services 5th Foresight exercise of the Standing Committee for Agricultural Research (SCAR) External expertise
5 LEIT-NMBP : KET Biotechnology Appel Biotechnologie 2018-2020
(Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology, and advanced Manufacturing and Processing) Appel Biotechnologie 5 WP : 7 topics 3 topics pour 2018 2 topics pour 2019 2 topics pour 2020
4 6. NMBP-2018-2020 – Call Biotechnology
BIOTEC : Standardisation in Synthetic Biology (CSA, 2 M€ - 1 étape) BIOTEC : Boosting the efficiency of photosynthesis (RIA, 31 M€ (x4-5) - TRL 3 à étapes) BIOTEC : Synthetic biology to expand diversity of nature's chemical production (RIA, 30 M€ (X4-5) - TRL 3 à étapes) CE-BIOTEC : New biotechnologies for environmental remediation (RIA, 10M€ (x2) - TRL 3 à 5 – coopération avec la Chine) CE-BIOTEC : Microorganism communities for plastics bio-degradation (RIA, 10M€ (x2) - TRL 3 à 5 – coopération avec la Chine) BIOTEC : Reprogrammed microorganisms for biological sensors (IA) BIOTEC : Multi-omics for the optimisation of genotype-phenotype associations (RIA)
Point de Contact National "BIO"*
Le 1er Cercle: Un consortium public-"privé"... DEFI SOCIETAL 2 : Sécurité alimentaire, Agriculture & Foresterie durables, Recherche Marine, Maritime, Eaux continentales et Bioéconomie Primauté Industrielle : Technologie Générique Clé "Biotechnologie" * Le réseau français des PCN est coordonné par le MENESR
En savoir plus... http://ec.europa.eu/research/horizon2020/
desktop/en/opportunities/index.html (on-line manual) desktop/en/experts/index.html (expert evaluators)
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