Notes to teacher These activities follow on from the story “La semaine de Snoopy story”. More activities on “La semaine de Snoopy activities” Slide 2 is.

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1 Notes to teacher These activities follow on from the story “La semaine de Snoopy story”. More activities on “La semaine de Snoopy activities” Slide 2 is a comic strip version of the story for pupils to read individually Slide 3 can be printed out, cut up and used as a re-ordering activity or a listening activity where pupils hold up the appropriate picture when the teacher/another pupil reads out that sentence. Slide 4 can be printed out and used as a reading and writing activity Slides 5-9 can be printed off for pupils to fill in the missing words.



4 Nom:………………………………………… Classe:……. Date:………………………………………………..
Lis l’histoire et réponds aux questions. Read the story and answer the questions: A. Écris le bon jour à côté du temps (Write the day in French when the weather is like this) il fait gris = …………………………. il neige = ……………………… il fait du soleil = ………………………………….. il y a de l’orage = ……………………… il fait froid = ………………………….. il pleut = ………………………………….. B Écris le temps à côté du jour (Write the correct weather next to the day ) lundi = ……………………………………………. jeudi = …………………………………………….. dimanche après-midi = ………………………………………………….. dimanche soir = …………………………………………. mercredi = …………………………………… samedi soir = …………………………………………………………. C. Vrai / faux Put a tick or a cross next to these statements about the story: Snoopy goes ski-ing with Woodstock on Monday ………… Snoopy goes for a walk with Woodstock on Friday …...... Snoopy can’t sleep during the storm on Saturday night ……… 4. Snoopy and Woodstock go surfing on Sunday morning ……. Snoopy and Woodstock fall out on Saturday afternoon ..……. 6. It’s sunny when Woodstock brings Snoopy a flower ………. Qu’est-ce que c’est en anglais? What do these words mean in English ? Use a dictionary perhaps. mais = ………………… avec = ………………… donc = …………………. plus tard = ………………………………. enfin = ………………………………… Traduis en anglais Translate these phrases into English: Snoopy regarde le ciel avec Woodstock = …………………………………………………………………… 2. il ne dort pas………………………………………… Donc Snoopy boit un chocolat chaud mais il est toujours seul = ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. Enfin les deux amis s’embrassent = ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… F. Sur la page suivante fais des dessins et écris une petite histoire. On the other side draw some pictures and write your own sentence or even a little story

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