Révision – Phrases Importantes

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1 Révision – Phrases Importantes
français Révision – Phrases Importantes This lesson aims to introduce some key interactional language that learners will soon be able to reproduce and adapt to interact in the TL in the classroom. In the following lesson, we will revise these but then go on to try adapting, using some cognates, and looking at how to make all of these phrases negative.

2 Super Bonjour Assieds-toi! Viens ici! Comment ça va? Au revoir
Ecoute et remets les mots dans l’ordre. Bonjour Assieds-toi! français anglais 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Super Viens ici! Comment ça va? Teacher reads them in the following order: Bonjour – Viens ici– Comment ca va – Superl – Assieds-toi – S’il te plait – Très bien – Au revoir Then then model them with intonation as for a dialogue and students practise in pairs. They can be asked to do it as a restaurant scene, a date, a job interview and try to ‘act’ the different scenes with their voices/mannerisms. (Max 5 mins!!) Au revoir S’il te plait Très bien

3 C’est vrai C’est faux

4 C’est génial! C’est terrible!

5 J’ai un problème! J’ai une idée! J’ai oublié!

6 Comment ça se dit en français?
Je peux parler anglais?

7 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 ? This is a good opportunity to see how many learners know their numbers. We expect that quite a lot have done at primary school but there will be a mixed level so it would be good to give as many chances as we can for some learners to hear the numbers over and over so that they pick them up. Use this slide to: a) say a phrase and elicit the number b) give 2 or 3 alternatives for a given number and elicit the correct response c) give a number and see how many know the phrases actively. ?

8 x x x x x x x   ? ? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No… No… No… No… No… No…
Non, ce n’est pas terrible No… No… x x ? x No… No… x Presentation of ‘no’ and how to make negative sentences. ? No… No…

9 Regardez le tableau ! Teach these with gestures – students just need to be able to understand these instructions and respond to them, rather than say them themselves so physical responses are the best way to see if learners understand them. Present each one, building up in the routine 1 – 2, 1 – 2, 1 – 3, 1 – 2 – 3 etc.. Until they have met them all.

10 Asseyez- vous!

11 Je vais faire l’appel: Claudia?

12 Ouvrez vos livres!

13 Silence s’il vous plait!

14 Ecoutez l’enregistrement!

15 1 e 2 b 3 a 4 c 5 d 6 f

16 Mets ton chewing gum à la poubelle!

17 Ecrivez dans vos cahiers!

18 Regardez la page 10 !

19 Levez- vous!

20 Travaillez sur l’ordinateur !

21 Les fonctions Page 16, Exercice

22 7 i 8 h 9 g 10 k 11 j 12 l

23 Regardez le tableau! Jacques a dit...
Plenary – Jacques à dit (Simon says)……. Use any of those 12 phrases, either with Jacques a dit in front (or not!) – the phrases are: Regardez le tableau, asseyez-vous, je vais faire l’appel, ouvrez vos livres, silence s’il vous plait, écoutez l’enregistrement (le CD), mets ton chewing gum à la poubelle, écrivez dans vos cahiers, regardez la page 10, levez-vous,

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