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Français I – Leçon 5B Structures
Numbers 101 & higher Mathematical terms Spelling change –er verbs
Les chiffres 101 cent un 125 cent vingt-cinq
198 cent quatre-vingt-dix-huit 200 deux cents 245 deux cent quarante-cinq 300 trois cents 400 quatre cents 500 cinq cents 600 six cents 700 sept cents
800 huit cents 900 neuf cents 1.000 mille 1.100 mille cent 2.000 deux mille 2.500 deux mille cinq cent 5.000 cinq mille cent mille cinq cent cinquante mille un million huit millions
Some notes about numbers…
French uses a period, rather than a comma, to indicate thousands and millions. The word cent does not take a final –s when it is followed by the numbers 1-99 The number un is not used before the word mille to mean a/one thousand. It is used before million to say a/one million.
More notes about numbers…
Mille, unlike cent and million, never takes an –s Before a noun, million and millions are followed by de/d’. [Deux millions de personnes sont en vacances.] When writing out years, the word mille is usually shortened to mil.
Mathematical terms plus et plus minus moins moins multiplié by fois multiplié par divided by sur divisé par equals font égale informal formal
Spelling change –er verbs
Some –er verbs , although they have regular endings, have spelling changes that occur in the verb stem (what remains after the –er is dropped).
J’achète Nous achetons Tu achètes Vous achetez Il/elle/on achète
Most infinitives whose next-to-last syllable contains an e (no accent) change this letter to è in all forms except nous and vous.) acheter (to buy) J’achète Nous achetons Tu achètes Vous achetez Il/elle/on achète Ils/elles achètent Other verbs that are conjugated like acheter: amener (to bring someone) emmener (to take someone)
J’espère Nous espérons Tu espères Vous espérez Ils/elles espèrent
Infinitives whose next-to-last syllable contains an é change this letter to è in all forms except nous and vous. espérer (to hope) J’espère Nous espérons Tu espères Vous espérez Ils/elles espèrent Il/elle/on espère Other verbs that are conjugated like espérer: célébrer (to celebrate) considérer (to consider) posséder (to possess/own) préférer (to prefer) protéger (to protect) répéter (to repeat/rehearse)
J’envoie Nous envoyons Tu envoies Vous envoyez Ils/elles envoient
Infinitives ending in –yer change y to i in all forms except nous and vous. [The change of y to i is optional in verbs whose infinitives end in –ayer.] envoyer (to send) J’envoie Nous envoyons Tu envoies Vous envoyez Ils/elles envoient Il/elle/on envoie Other verbs that are conjugated like envoyer: employer (to use/to employ) essayer (to try) nettoyer (to clean) payer (to pay)
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