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Publié parhiouani mehdi Modifié depuis plus de 6 années
REPUBLIQUE ALGERIENNE DEMOCRATIQUE ET POPULAIRE MINISTERE DE L ’ ENSEIGNEMENT SUPERIEUR ET DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE Universit é Mohamed Kider Biskra Facult é des Sciences Exactes et Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie Département sciences de la matière Module: vibration THEME Année universitaire 2016-2017 Présenté par: - HIOUANI khaled mahdi -
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A solid object with two identical ends and flat sides: The sides are parallelograms (4-sided shape with opposites sides parallel) The cross section is the same all along its length The shape of the ends give the prism a name, such as "triangular prism" It is also a polyhedron.
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When a white light, such as sunlight, enters a glass prism, one of the most beautiful of phenomena occurs Out the other side of the prism comes not white light, but every color in the rainbow from dark red to light violet, with orange, yellow, green and blue in between This is because white light is made of all these different colors It is a combination, whereas
G 20 =20% G 40 =40% G 0 =0% G 5 =5% G 10 =10% G 60 = 60% Six doses de gypse
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red light contains only red light, green light contains only green light, etc Isaac Newton wrote his famous Optiks about this phenomenon three hundred years ago This display of colors is called a white-light spectrum
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We have probably all seen the experiment: when white light passes through a prism it splits to form a rainbow. This is because white light is in fact a mixture of photons of different energies, and the greater the energy of the photon, the more it is deflected by the prism.
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