Et Carnaval. What does Mardi Gras mean? Mardi Tuesday GrasFat So the meaning is « Fat Tuesday » ! Mardi Gras is the French for « Shrove Tuesday » or «

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1 Et Carnaval

2 What does Mardi Gras mean? Mardi Tuesday GrasFat So the meaning is « Fat Tuesday » ! Mardi Gras is the French for « Shrove Tuesday » or « Pancake Day ».

3 And what about « Carnaval »? This is related to Mardi Gras and both are celebrated on the same day in France. People dress up in costumes, wear masks, and eat pancakes.

4 What do French school children do at this time of year? During the days leading up to Mardi Gras each child makes a mask at school and a costume at home. un masque un costume

5 On Mardi Gras they get into their costumes and put on their masks at school and walk in a procession into the town. la ville

6 A band starts to play in the town square. une fanfarela place de la ville

7 and the children get to sample pancakes at the market. des crêpes le marché

8 un perroquet une reine un roi un plongeur sous- marin un pirate

9 Luc est déguisé en Lucie est déguisée en Denis est déguisé en Eloise est déguisée en Pirate est déguisé en roi perroquet plongeur sous-marin reine pirate


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