Trouvez les mots 1 Shorts 2 Trousers 3 A t-Shirt 4 A football shirt 5

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Présentation au sujet: "Trouvez les mots 1 Shorts 2 Trousers 3 A t-Shirt 4 A football shirt 5"— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Trouvez les mots 1 Shorts 2 Trousers 3 A t-Shirt 4 A football shirt 5
A skirt 6 A dress 7 Joggers 8 Trainers 9 Shoes 10 A shirt 11 A jacket 12 Socks 13 Jumper 14 Jeans I brought in clothes with the words in French attached to them and they had to find them and write it down on their sheet. You can place the words around the room if that is easier.

2 L.O: To be able to talk about clothes with opinions
Mon style L.O: To be able to talk about clothes with opinions

3 On va: All: To be able to say items of clothing with opinions Most: To be able to create your own sentences about clothes with opinions and reasons KILLER: To be able to extend your work to include what you wear normally with opinions and reasons

4 Une jupe

5 Un pull

6 Des chaussures

7 Des baskets

8 Une chemise

9 Un jogging

10 Un tee-shirt

11 Une veste

12 Une robe

13 Un pantalon

14 Un jean

15 Un maillot de foot

16 Des chaussettes

17 Un short

18 Un short Des chaussettes Un maillot de foot

19 Un jean Un pantalon Une robe

20 Une veste Un tee-shirt Un pull

21 Une jupe Un jogging Une chemise

22 Des chaussures Des baskets

23 Ecoutez! Read out the text on page 27 and get students to put their hands up / write down on a whiteboard the clothes that they hear. Challenge: can they pick up any more words they know or might know?


25 Je n’aime pas Je déteste J’adore J’aime

26 J’adore J’aime Je n’aime pas Je déteste

27 Normalement je porte un jean et un tee-shirt avec des baskets rouges
Normalement je porte un jean et un tee-shirt avec des baskets rouges. J’aime ça parce que c’est confortable. Quelquefois, je porte une jupe, une chemise et une veste avec des chaussures très jolies. J’adore les chaussures. Trouvez: Les vêtements Les opinions Les mots: comfortable, pretty, because they are / it is Les mots: Normally, I wear

28 En français I like trainers
I like trainers because they are comfortable Normally I wear jeans. I like jeans because they are comfortable and fun

29 On va: All: To be able to say items of clothing with opinions Most: To be able to create your own sentences about clothes with opinions and reasons KILLER: To be able to extend your work to include what you wear normally with opinions and reasons

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