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Stating /asking how well/poorly an activity is done

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Présentation au sujet: "Stating /asking how well/poorly an activity is done"— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Stating /asking how well/poorly an activity is done
Dr. Silvestri

2 How (well –implied) do subject verb?
Comment est-ce que subject verb? Example: Comment est-ce que tu nages? Comment est-ce qu’il joue au baseball?

3 Adverbs of quality Well- bien Mal- poorly Assez – enough, somewhat
Très - very Plus ou moins- more or less

4 Possible answers Je joue au foot bien/mal. Elle danse très bien/mal.
Ils jouent aux échecs assez bien/mal. Nous nageons plus ou moins bien.

5 Write these sentences/questions to practice:
Do you swim well? How well do you play baseball? They dance very well. We play soccer very well. He speaks French somewhat poorly.

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