Les yeux et les cheveux Year 7

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1 Les yeux et les cheveux Year 7
Click on the arrow to go onto the next page. Year 7

2 Success Criteria Remember how to say At least 3 hair colours
Learning Objectives: Learn to spell key words accurately Learn how to describe yourself Understand spoken descriptions Success Criteria Remember how to say At least 3 hair colours At least 3 eye colours Click on the arrow.

3 Cheveux yeux J’ai Type in what each of these phrases mean in ENGLISH.
Click on the arrow.

4 Now practise typing out the words IN FRENCH below
Now practise typing out the words IN FRENCH below. Type them into the white boxes cheveux Yeux J’ai Click on the arrow.

5 Type into the boxes the correct phrase for each picture IN FRENCH.
D E F G H J’ai les cheveux roux J’ai les yeux verts J’ai les yeux noisette J’ai les cheveux blonds J’ai les cheveux noirs J’ai les yeux bleus J’ai les yeux bruns J’ai les cheveux bruns

6 Click on the blue circles & listen to what each person looks like
Click on the blue circles & listen to what each person looks like. Write your answer in French. 1. 2. Type your answers into these white boxes. Ecoute 4. 3. Choose your answers from this box J’ai les yeux bleus J’ai les cheveux noirs J’ai les yeux verts J’ai les cheveux roux et les yeux bruns

7 Level 2 Reading Bonjour! Je m’appelle Delphine. J’ai les yeux verts.

8 Level 3 Reading Bonjour! Je m’appelle Pierre. J’ai onze ans.
Je suis français. J’ai les cheveux roux et les yeux verts.

9 Level 4 Reading Bonjour! Je m’appelle Frédéric et j’ai douze ans.
J’habite en France. J’ai les cheveux noirs et les yeux marron. Mon anniversaire c’est le quatorze juin. J’ai deux frères et une sœur. Aussi J’ai un chien qui s’appelle Pebbles.

10 Written task Complete the 3 sentences saying your NAME, WHAT COLOUR HAIR AND EYES YOU HAVE. (DELETE THE DOTS) Click on the arrow.

11  Success Criteria Can you...?
Remember how to say At least 3 hair colours At least 3 eye colours Success criteria 1 & 2 achieved Go to the next slide and prove it by writing about 3 celebrities.

12 Level 3 or 4 writing task Exemple
Imagine you are the celebrities. Write at least 3 sentences saying your NAME AND WHAT COLOUR HAIR AND EYES YOU HAVE. Add extra sentences if you can (pets/brothers/sisters/birthday etc) Exemple Click on the arrow.

13 Level 3 or 4 written task Click on the arrow.

14 Level 3 or 4 written task Click on the arrow.

15 Level 3 or 4 written task Click on the arrow.

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