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Publié parGeneviève Savard Modifié depuis plus de 6 années
Mettez vos devoirs dans la boîte rouge prennez les devoirs 2.2 B
prennez votre carte de plicker
Comment sont ses cheveux? Il a les cheveux courts et raides.
What is he like? He is ugly and old. He doesn’t have glasses. What is his hair like? It is short and straight. What color are his eyes? He has green and blue eyes. Comment est-il? Il est laid et âgé. Il n’a pas de lunettes. Comment sont ses cheveux? Il a les cheveux courts et raides. De quelle couleur sont ses yeux? Il a les yeux verts et bleus. Have the students complete this on a scratch piece of paper without any notes. Walk around and make corrections as you see errors. When most of the class is finished, let them check their answers with their partner. Then go through them as a class and talk about the common mistakes.
Look at the following people.
Pick one and write a description. Be sure to say 5 things about the person and 5 things that the person is not. (10 sentences total) Put the pictures on the board with magnets.
Take turns picking out a name and then describe this person in French
Play WORD Charades Write down the name of someone famous on a piece of paper and put it in the bag Take turns picking out a name and then describe this person in French If you don’t know who it is, ask Mme Frite Suggestions: super heros famous actors/singers Disney cartoon characters teachers
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