Sortir & Partir Sortir and Partir are two –ir verbs that are irregular. They are used when describing where you are going. By:Olawunmi Togun.

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1 Sortir & Partir Sortir and Partir are two –ir verbs that are irregular. They are used when describing where you are going. By:Olawunmi Togun

2 Partir -to leave Conjugation Je pars Nous partons Tu pars Vous partez Il/Elle part Ils/Elles partent

3 Sortir -To go out Conjugation Je sors Nous sortons Tu sors Vous sortez Il/Elle sort Ils/Elles sortent

4 Quiz!!!! Conjugate Sortir Conjugate Partir 1.Elle _____ 2. Nous _____ 3.Je _____ 4. Vous _____ 5.Ils _____ 1.Je _____ 2.Il _____ 3.Nous _____ 4.Tu _____ 5.Vous _____

5 Quiz Answers Sort Sortons Sors Sortez Sortent Pars Part Partons partez
Sortir Partir Sort Sortons Sors Sortez Sortent Pars Part Partons partez

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