Le Futur Antérieur Quest-ce que cest? La Formation… Verbes en –er, -ir, -re.

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1 Le Futur Antérieur Quest-ce que cest? La Formation… Verbes en –er, -ir, -re

2 Quest-ce que cest? Le futur antérieur is a futur tense Le futur antérieur is a futur tense It is used to express actions in the futur that will take place before other actions in the futur. It is used to express actions in the futur that will take place before other actions in the futur. Ex. Il aura mangé la pomme avant de quitter la maison. Ex. Il aura mangé la pomme avant de quitter la maison. (He will have eaten the apple before he leaves the house.)(He will have eaten the apple before he leaves the house.) There are two parts to the Futur Antérieur: There are two parts to the Futur Antérieur: A/ an auxiliary verb (avoir or être) Conjugated in the futur simple Conjugated in the futur simple B/ a past participle

3 Auxiliary Verb Avoir Avoir = To have Jaurai Tu auras Il/elle aura Nous aurons Vous aurez Ils/elles auront

4 Auxiliary Verb Etre Etre = To be Je serai Tu seras Il/elle sera Nous serons Vous serez Ils/elles seront

5 La Formation L es verbes en -er Verbes en –er: to form the past participle, drop the –er of the infinitive and add é Verbes en –er: to form the past participle, drop the –er of the infinitive and add é Example: DONNER = Example: DONNER = Past participle: ____________________ Auxiliary verb: ____________________

6 Donner Donner = to give Donner = to give Past Participle = donné Past Participle = donné Auxiliary Verb = avoir Auxiliary Verb = avoir Conjugate the verb donner in the Futur Antérieur!

7 Donner Jaurai donné (I will have given) Tu auras donné (you will have given) Il/elle aura donné (he/she will have given) Nous aurons donné (we will have given) Vous aurez donné (you will have given) Ils/elles auront donné (they will have given)

8 La Formation L es verbes en -ir Verbes en –ir: to form the past participle, drop the –ir of the infinitive and add i Verbes en –ir: to form the past participle, drop the –ir of the infinitive and add i Example: FINIR = Example: FINIR = Past participle: ____________________ Auxiliary verb: ____________________

9 Finir Finir = to finish Finir = to finish Past Participle = fini Past Participle = fini Auxiliary Verb = avoir Auxiliary Verb = avoir Conjugate the verb finir in the Futur antérieur!

10 Finir Jaurai fini (I will have finished) Tu auras fini (you will have finished) Il/elle aura fini (he/she will have finished) Nous aurons fini (we will have finished) Vous aurez fini (you will have finished) Ils/elles auront fini (they will have finished)

11 La Formation L es verbes en -re Verbes en –re: to form the past participle, drop the –re of the infinitive and add u Verbes en –re: to form the past participle, drop the –re of the infinitive and add u Example: Rendre = Example: Rendre = Past participle: ____________________ Auxiliary verb: ____________________

12 Rendre Rendre = to give back Rendre = to give back Past Participle = rendu Past Participle = rendu Auxiliary Verb = avoir Auxiliary Verb = avoir Conjugate the verb rendre in the Futur antérieur!

13 Rendre Jaurai rendu (I will have given back) Tu auras rendu (you will have given back) Il/elle aura rendu (he/she will have given back) Nous aurons rendu (we will have given back) Vous aurez rendu (you will have given back) Ils/elles auront rendu (they will have given back)

14 Devoirs Conjugez les verbes suivants au futur antérieur: Conjugez les verbes suivants au futur antérieur: Fermer = ____________ Fermer = ____________ Parler = ____________ Parler = ____________ Devenir = ____________ Devenir = ____________ Dormir = ____________ Dormir = ____________ Battre = ____________ Battre = ____________ Vendre = ____________ Vendre = ____________

15 Laccord du Participe Passé Noubliez pas les régles de laccord! Noubliez pas les régles de laccord!

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