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Lundi 3 décembre Français I
Claude François (1 February 1939 – 11 March 1978), also known by the nickname Cloclo, was a French pop singer, composer, songwriter, producer, drummer, dancer and business man. Claude François, aussi connu sous le nom de Cloclo, était un chanteur, composeur, auteur, producteur, percussioniste, danseur et homme d’affaire. You will start working on the vocabulary of the next lesson – We will finish celebrity descriptions tomorrow with test on Wednesday, I will also take your homework tomorrow. 1-Take a book Espace (hard cover) and write the vocabulary on the handout that will be given to you. Don’t forget the “vocabulaire” box on P 38. Do Mise en pratique “Associez” 1 P 39 and “vrai ou faux” 3 P 39. 2-Exercice 4, 5, 6 P 16 cahier Espace (soft cover) Complete sentences Turn in all for participation grade.
Lundi 3 décembre Français II
Claude François (1 February 1939 – 11 March 1978), also known by the nickname Cloclo, was a French pop singer, composer, songwriter, producer, drummer, dancer and business man. Claude François, aussi connu sous le nom de Cloclo, était un chanteur, composeur, auteur, producteur, percussioniste, danseur et homme d’affaire. Paragraphe sur vos habitudes (writing about your habits with mandatory words) Day 2 Take your papers back, keep working on your writing assignment – you have the list of mandatory words printed but I’ll add it on the slide show if you need it up. Return your paper. Due today. Skip lines and highlight words. (you guys make it up for last time!)
Lundi 3 décembre Français PreAP/AP
Claude François (1 February 1939 – 11 March 1978), also known by the nickname Cloclo, was a French pop singer, composer, songwriter, producer, drummer, dancer and business man. Claude François, aussi connu sous le nom de Cloclo, était un chanteur, composeur, auteur, producteur, percussioniste, danseur et homme d’affaire. Alicia, please work on conversations 4 and 5 in the back room) record both and we’ll review them when I am back. PreAP► Work on texts (handouts) that will be given to you. PC versus Imp.
Sors Sortons Dors Dorment Fais une randonnée Ne…pas Ne … pas souvent Ne…jamais Finissons Le lundi 11. Fais 12. Choisissons 13. Fait 14. La cuisine 15. Partons 16. Par semaine 17. Rarement 18. Vois 19. Le week end 20. Tous les samedis
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