List of Verbs which use Etre to form their Passé Composé

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1 List of Verbs which use Etre to form their Passé Composé
Monter Venir Descendre Rester Aller Entrer Sortir Naître Retourner Tomber Rentrer Arriver Mourir Partir These verbs are usually known as the “MRS VAN DER TRAMP” verbs.

2 When the passé composé is formed with Etre, the past participle behaves like an adjective.
So, if you have a feminine subject (the “doer” of the verb), you must also have a feminine past participle. Eg Il est allé (masculine) BUT Elle est allé (feminine) e If the subject is plural, the past participle must also be plural. Eg Ils sont allé (masculine plural) s Elles sont allé (feminine plural) es

3 Here is a table showing all the agreements
je suis allé(e) tu es il est allé elle allée nous sommes allé(es)(s) vous êtes allé(e)(es)(s) ils sont allés elles allées

4 Here are the past participles of some of the “Etre” verbs
Infinitive Past Participle English Rentrer Rentré(e)(s) went back Entrer Entré(e)(s) entered Venir Venu(e)(s) came Rester Resté(e)(s) stayed Sortir Sorti(e)(s) went out Partir Parti(e)(s) left Retourner Retourné(e)(s) returned Aller Allé(e)(s) went Tomber Tombé(e)(s) fell

5 Can you remember what to do?
Choose the correct past participle. Il est … allés allé allées allée allé

6 Ils sont… allés allé allées allée allés

7 Elles sont… allés allé allées allée allées

8 Félicitations!

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