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Présentation au sujet: "FRAMEWORK CONTRACTS MODULE DEVCO Training IT 08/06/2018"— Transcription de la présentation:


2 Agenda day 4 Introduction Preliminary steps
Encoding the Request for Services New version of the Request for Services Encoding the evaluation of the offers New version of the evaluation Preparation of the Specific Contract Performance assessment

3 Why use a FWC? = Simplified contracting procedure A tool which allows recruiting experts/companies quickly and transparently in order to carry out: Technical assistance missions in the exclusive interest of the countries benefitting from the development and cooperation programs of the European Commission (ex. SIEA 2018 = "Services for Implementation of External Aid 2018") Missions in the interest of the European Commission, EEAS or ECA and the beneficiary countries (mixed interest) (Com 2015) Audit missions on external development and cooperation programmes and projects financed by EDF and the EU Budget (Audit 2014) ( = PERMANENT COMPETITION between the Contractors of a same lot) Amounts and durations of the missions are determined by the framework contract (ex. SIEA2018 max amount per contract: €; implementation period: max 36 mois) 4 4

4 Structure Structure of a FWC Framework Contract X
= Procedure based on a PERMANENT COMPETITION between the Contractors of a same lot Framework Contract X Il s’agit d’un contrat-cadre multiple c’est-à-dire constitué de contrats séparés, mais conclus en termes identiques avec plusieurs prestataires de services Le Contrat-cadre a été conclu pour un montant contractuel de 0 € : aucun montant n’est attaché au Contrat-cadre. Le pouvoir adjudicateur d'un contrat spécifique doit donc disposer de fonds pour couvrir les services contractés via le Contrat-cadre Le Contrat-cadre Bénéficiaires vise exclusivement des opérations :  d’aide extérieure, mises en oeuvre par Direction générale DEVCO ou une autre Direction générale ou une agence de l'UE, voire toute autre entité par subdélégation.  au bénéfice des autorités bénéficiaires. La Commission et/ou une Délégation de l'UE ne peut jamais figurer comme bénéficiaire de l'opération.  inférieures à €, avenants compris et sans qu'une opération dont le coût dépasse ce montant n'ait été scindée en plusieurs opérations ne dépassant pas le seuil des € chacune afin de pouvoir faire usage du contrat-cadre.  dont l’input de l’expert qui délivre l’assistance la plus longue en termes de jours ouvrés ne peut excéder 260 jours, avenants compris.  dont la durée d’exécution ne dépasse pas 2 ans (730 jours calendrier), avenants compris. Les utilisateurs sont: 1. DG DEVCO et les Délégations qui mettent en oeuvre les programmes d'aide extérieure de l'UE; 2. les autres DG de la Commission à qui des crédits d'aide extérieure ont été subdélégués telles que la DG Elargissement, Régio, Agriculture, Environnement, Commerce, ECHO; 3. les autorités décentralisées des pays bénéficiaires des programmes gérés par la DG ELARG (Turquie et Croatie); 4. certaines autorités décentralisées de pays bénéficiaires ayant reçu une autorisation ad hoc de la DG DEVCO.

5 Specific Contracts (LM) Implementation Contracts (ME)
Award procedures Call for Tenders Call for Proposals Framework Contract Others Specific Contracts (LM) Implementation Contracts (ME) Grants (SV) Services Works Supplies

6 Module hierarchy This slide contains animations
Click 1: PRG - Programming: The Programming module is the top of the pyramid. It results in different other entities in CRIS Click 2: Linked to the Programming documents, we have a PRJ – Project where we record the operational data of the decision. By establishing this link, we are able to follow up on how the Programming (set up for different years) is being executed. Click 3: The Project serves as the link between the Programming and the DEC - Decision module. Click 4: As soon as the Decision is ongoing and the money is committed, we can start the procurement procedures / grant award procedures to find the contractor/beneficiary to execute the projects set out in the CRIS Decision Click 5 : By using one or several contracting procedures (such as Call for tender / Call for proposals / FWC) we are able to find the contractor needed to execute the project. Click 6 : One contract result in one or several payments. They are recorded in the CRIS Invoices module Click 7 : Idem Click 8: It may be that we paid a contractor too much and that some money needs to be recovered (paid back to us). This is recorded in the CRIS Recovery Orders module.

7 Beneficiary of the services
FWC available in CRIS Validity Beneficiary of the services Access Lots SIAE 2018 Until 15/04/2022 Exclusive interest of beneficiary countries or EC + beneficiary countries DEL + HQ 6 BENEF 2013 Until 31/03/2018 DEL & HQ 12 COM 2015 Until 28/02/2018 EC, EEAS, ECA, mixed 3 AUDIT 2014 Until 25/07/2018 EC PSF 2015 11/02/2020 4 While showing this slide, open CRIS and show the Framework contract/lots menu where all FWCs encoded in CRIS Remind the particiants of the structure of the FWC, open one of the above FWCs to show the different lots and the companies selected for each lot Open the menu ‘Internet publication’ under FWC in CRIS and show the guideline pages of these FWCs 1

8 The Framework Contract's "racetrack"
4 STEPS: Preparing, encoding and sending the Request for Services including the ToR to contractors Evaluation of the offers Preparation of the Specific Contract Performance assessment of the contractor

9 Preliminary steps Write Terms of Reference Check the financial situation of the decision: in the Contracts tab Is there sufficient funding on the line of the decision on which the specific Contract will be charged (sufficient total RAC?)

10 Request for Services 1. 3. 2. Engagement : ce champ n'est pas accessible. Dès que le RESPFIN (agent vérifiant financier) aura donné son visa, le système affichera ici la référence ABAC workflow de l'engagement du contrat spécifique. Modalité de paiement : 2 options sont proposées par CRIS - prix unitaire ou prix forfaitaire. 1. Pour le CC Audit 2010: prix unitaire uniquement 2. Pour les CC BENEF 2009 et COM 2011 : Les contrats peuvent être basés soit sur les honoraires (prix unitaire), soit sur un prix global (prix forfaitaire). Le prix unitaire signifie que les montants réclamés Doivent reposer sur des documents justificatifs. Au contraire, les prix forfaitaires, une fois acceptés – et les résultats délivrés et acceptés - ne doivent plus être justifiés. A noter que le Lot 2 du CC COM 2011 et les lots intitulés Conférences dans COM 2011 et BENEF 2009 doivent toujours être de type " prix unitaire". Les catégories d'experts sont : Senior : 10 ans d'expérience Junior : 3 ans d'expérience Expert Administratif : pour l'évaluation des contrats de subvention

11 Request for Services: Mandatory field SIEA2018 1 Lot: Drop-down list 2
Types of services: 3 Title: Free text 4 Domain: 5 Beneficiary Organisation: 6 Zone benefiting from the action: 7 Budget Ref.: Free text (double click to see drop down list) 8 Mode of payments: Choose one option: Fee-based or Global price 9 Maximum maximum/Estimated Budget: Choose one option and add amount (max €) 10 Delegation in charge : 11 Indicative starting date of the assignment: To estimate 12 Allocated time for the submission of the offer: 14 days (< €) or 30 days (> €) 13 Deadline for the submission offer: Automatically calculates after SIGNCC visa 14 Implementation duration: To estimate (max 36 months, or 1095 cal. days) 15 Duration of the longest assignment To be estimated (max 260 working days) 16 Number of experts: To be estimated by category 17 Documents Terms of Reference, Evaluation Grid , Budget Breakdown As soon as the last visa has been granted on the Request for Services, the request form is generated from CRIS based on the information recorded in the General information tab. This pdf file needs to be sent to the contractors with the Terms of Reference attached.

12 Mode of Payment Fee-based:
Payment based on the time spent by the expert(s) working on the mission. Price justified by supporting documents. Example: expert's timesheet Global Price: If the contract stipulates that the contractor should produce specific results (e.g.: final report) the contractor's services will be paid according to the results. The Procuring Authority does not verify the expenditure, including the actual eligible costs to refund. Example: Studies If the value entered for the "Service Type" field is AT (Technical Support), CRIS selects the default "Unit Price" for the "Payment Method" field. If the value entered for the "Service Type" field is ST (Study), then CRIS selects the default "Fixed Price" value for the "Payment Method" field. 13

13 Firms selection  Depending on the Framework Contract and the Lot, CRIS automatically selects a maximum of 3 or 4 contractors (a minimum of 1 is always required) to whom the Request for Services is sent. One of the criteria for the automated selection of companies by CRIS is based on the company that was the least selected.

14 Performance Assessment
Visa Chain Request for Services Evaluation of the offers Specific Contract Performance Assessment ENCOD GESTOPE EVALCC GESTFIN (EVALCC) RESPOPE SIGNCC SENDMAIL RESPFIN ORDO COMPTA 15

15 Before visa SIGNCC: After visa SIGNCC: Request for Services:
visa chain Before visa SIGNCC: After visa SIGNCC: A new tab, "Evaluation of the offers", appears in the "Request for Services" 16 16

16 Don't forget to attach to the email:
Request for Services: launch …. and two new "action buttons" appear in the actions section: Don't forget to attach to the Request for Services Terms of Reference Evaluation Grid Budget Breakdown 17 17

17 A new Request for Services with the same CRIS N° – version 2
Creating a new version A new version of the Request for Services becomes available in the following cases: 1. If the Request for Services is cancelled with a Visa CC by SIGNCC 2. If the Request for Services has received a visa AC by SIGNCC under the following circumstances: * The Evaluation is cancelled; * The Evaluation is finalised but unsuccessful; * A Specific contract is cancelled In all the above cases, the "New Version" button appears in the "General Information" section: A new Request for Services with the same CRIS N° – version 2 will be sent with the new ToR to each of the initially selected contractors 18 18

18 Request for Services: Creating a new version
How to cancel an Evaluation: Step 1: In the "Evaluation of the offers" tab, click on "Modify": Step 2: In the newly launched Evaluation: Select "Cancelled" - Add the "Date of Evaluation": current date Click on "Submit": Step 3: In the "Visas" tab: ENCOD grants the AC visa EVALCC grants the CC visa: 19 19

19 Evaluation of the offers
Step 1: Click on "Modify" and add the Evaluation date. The selected companies will appear in the "Evaluation Criteria" section 20 20

20 Evaluation of the offers
Step 2: Add the date of receipt of each offer: the evaluation criteria fields will open; encode the administrative criteria Step 3: If all the above are positive, the "technical quality percentage" will open for encoding N.B. If the technical quality percentage is lower than 75, the "Total" field will not be editable: 21 21

21 Evaluation of the offers
Step 4: At submission of the evaluation results, CRIS calculates automatically the awarded company: Step 5: Add the 3 evaluators' names at the same time in the "Persons in Charge" tab (at least one of the 3 must have a CRIS profile) 22 22

22 Step 6: Add the names of the experts appointed by the awarded company in the "Experts" tab:

23 Evaluation of the offers
Once granted the last evaluator visa in the "Visas" tab by an evaluator with a CRIS profile, a new "Specific contract" tab will appear: 24 24

24 Evaluation of the offers: creating a new version
It is possible to create a new version of the evaluation of the offers in the following cases: * The evaluation is cancelled ; * The evaluation is finalised but unsuccessful; * The specific contract is cancelled In all the above cases, a "New Version" button will appear both in the "Evaluation of the Offers" and in the "Request for Services" tabs If necessary, a new request for services bearing the same CRIS reference as the first one will be sent with the new ToR to the same candidates 25 25

25 Encoding the Specific Contract
26 26

26 Encoding the Specific Contract
The following information has to be encoded manually in the "General info" tab of the Contract: Applicable Financing Regulation Decision reference number Entity in Charge Commitment Type "External Actions" procedure (checkbox) Publication and Action location Amount Financial Forecasting (payment timetable) Modifiable fields: Type of services Sub-nature Duration Starting date of activities Once the General Information tab is appropriately filled in, click on "Submit". The other tabs will then become available for filling. 27 27

27 Performance Assessment
A new tab will appear once the Specific Contract is in "On-Going" status(EC): The "Performance Assessment" tab is where the service evaluation will have to be encoded. It is visible only to the GESTOPE and RESPOPE of the Specific Contract. Contractor Performance is a tab that appears in the specific contract itself as soon as the contract is EC – Ongoing You need to be specified as a Person in Charge of the contract to be able to access the Performance Assessment An is generated to be sent to the contractor 28 28

28 Performance Assessment
In the "Experts" tab: specify whether each individual expert participated to the mission: Then send the to inform to the contractor about the performance assessment: at the send visa you will be able to generate the 29 29

29 Thank you

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