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Publié parJosèphe Leduc Modifié depuis plus de 10 années
Traceability A safety tool to manage the radiological hazard at CERN
By L.Bruno, T.Schmittler DGS-RP S.Mallon-Amerigo, M.P.Kepinski GS-ASE IEFC Workshop, 7 March 2012 EDMS
Outline Motivation Review of the extended system Key figures
Rationale to extend the existing CERN traceability system (“MTF”) to trace radioactive equipment. Review of the extended system Design scenarios for the Traceability Radioactive Equipment at CERN (“TREC”) “Vision” of TREC at CERN New MTF features Key figures Statistics gathered during the last technical stop Remarks about the current use Possible improvements EDMS
Why TREC ? Safety Officers findings, June 2009
“The existing manual traceability system is too resource consuming.” “Present documentation systems are not integrated: as an example, it is not easy to retrieve radiological checks (e.g. dose rate measurements...) of a piece of equipment identified in MTF.” “Trace can be lost if an equipment is shipped, leaves an experimental cavern, is centrally stored, becomes waste.” « Visite de contrôle » of the French and Swiss Authorities, June 2010 “Je vous demande de bien vouloir harmoniser les procédures concernant la sortie du matériel radioactif de zones contrôlées pour tous les accélérateurs et salles expérimentales du CERN (et pas uniquement pour le LHC) et mettre en place un système informatique permettant la gestion de tous les matériels sortants de ce zones.” EDMS
TREC History Functional specification released (EDMS 1012291)
Nov Mar Aug Dec July Aug Dec Functional specification released (EDMS ) Definition of the driving design scenarios and of the baseline procedure to trace radioactive equipment Choice of the hardware and software tools Pilot users from BE-ABP-SU, EN-STI and TE-CRG Pilot tests in the LHC buffer zones SD1 with on site support Systematic use for ALL material in transit in SD1 and SD2 Deployment all over the LHC machine EDMS
Design scenarios A technician retrieves from service a potentially radioactive accelerator component. The component has not been traced yet. Need: The technician needs RP to check the item before shipping it to a suitable workplace for maintenance. An RP officer finds an unidentified radioactive piece of equipment, which is abandoned in a location of the PS Complex. Need: The officer needs to label immediately the piece of equipment, measure the ambient dose equivalent rate and store the measurement result. EDMS
TREC - The vision LHC SPS Rad. Lab 1
How we can manage the risk of dissemination of radioactive equipment: Provide with a buffer zone all locations at radiological risk; Intercept rad.material at the exit of each location; Trace rad.shipments between locations; Do not trace movements of rad.material inside a location LHC Buffer Zone SPS Buffer Zone Rad. Lab 1 Buffer Zone Rad. Lab 2 Buffer Zones Rad. Waste Buffer Zones EDMS
Today’s traceability at CERN
Hardware Generic, unique, unambiguous traceability labels; LHC buffer zones equipped with a PC & 2D barcode reader; Software (simpler, type „trec“ in the browser address); Extended MTF (InforEAM Oracle Database & PL/SQL procedures) Functionality to create EDH transport request by TREC Support SIR web-based course EDMS
MTF extension: The “safety” chapter
MTF extension: the “RP measurement”
By RP By the requestor By RP EDMS
Of course …There is always room for improvement !
Some numbers TREC Statistics 7 Dec Mar 2012 Remarks TREC usage: RP Measurements requested: 2048 RP Measurements closed: Support requests Open/in progress: Closed: Material measured Total volume [m3]: Total weight [kg]: Radioactive material identified Total volume [m3]: Total weight [kg]: Radioactive waste Total volume [m3]: Total weight [kg]: The system has been validated by extensive use. The system is robust and easy to use: users have requested help in ~1.5% of the cases. The system can provide statistics about the production of radioactive equipment. The system can be installed for routine use in other CERN buffer zones. Contact Of course …There is always room for improvement ! EDMS
Work to come ? Planned work… … and new requests ?!
Federate TREC with the traceability databases set up by the LHC Experiments. Extend TREC to manage radioactive shipments (e.g. avoiding the paperwork). Link TREC to other databases: spectroscopy db, rad.waste db (ISRAM), warehouse manag. system (BAAN). … and new requests ?! Use TREC out of the buffer zones? use TREC inside the rad. Labs ? (i.e. integrate TREC within the Computerized Management Maintenance tools) Manage risks other than radiological ? (e.g. presence of chemical risk) EDMS
Advice to the users How to best profit from traceability:
Register your components as soon as possible. Be pro-active: the sooner you register your equipment, the easier it is to trace it (the data will be in the DB already!). Register the type of your components. If possible, group your equipment by design type: it will be easier to link material data and assembly drawings. Capture the data at the earliest stage. As an example, it is much easier to get the material’s data when you buy the material than afterwards. Contact EDMS
Additional slides EDMS
TREC Functionalities Requestor RP officer EDMS
Some definitions Tracer
Responsible person for the equipment identification and labelling. Traceability Ability to trace the history, application or location of an entity by means of recorded identifications [ISO 8402:1994 standard, “Quality management and quality assurance”]. Traceability system Set of hardware and software tools together with operational procedures allowing traceability. To Trace Retrieve data of a traced physical piece of equipment from the traceability database. EDMS
Contrôle Radiologique du Matériel
Tout matériel retiré du TUNNEL LHC doit OBLIGATOIREMENT être contrôlé par DGS-RP (contrôles activation + contamination si nécessaire) Déposer le matériel dans la zone tampon Renseigner les données du matériel dans TREC Informer DGS-RP si réutilisation urgente du matériel NB: Pour le matériel lourd/encombrant informer DGS-RP avant intervention - Tél: 75252 EDMS EDMS v.1
Contrôle Radiologique du Matériel
Tout matériel retiré des zones de service (UL/UA/US/UJ) est considéré comme non radioactif Par principe de précaution: contrôle obligatoire du matériel par le propriétaire à l’aide du PCM Attention: tout matériel mesuré radioactif doit IMMEDIATEMENT être déposé dans la zone tampon et signalé à DGS-RP – Tél:75252 EDMS EDMS v.1
Contrôle Radiologique du Matériel
Tout le matériel des UW doit OBLIGATOIREMENT être contrôlé par DGS-RP avant intervention. RISQUE DE CONTAMINATION Planifier et signaler votre intervention à DGS-RP Tél:75252 EDMS EDMS v.1
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