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Grèce Ancienne.

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1 Grèce Ancienne

2 3 périodes majeures de la civilisation ancienne grecque
Civilisations les plus vieilles: Minoens (Crête) and Mycéniens Grèce classique (arts, littérature, philosophie; domination par Sparte et Athènes) 3. Age Hellénistique : Empire macédonien et Alexandre le Grand

3 Premiers Grecs: les Minoens c. 3200 -1100 av. JC
Vivaient sur l’ile de Crête Navigateurs et fermiers Ont developé le Linéaire A Le palais menait l’organisation politique, sociale et économique à Cnossos Expression artistique et grande construction Avancements en bronze Construisaient des sanctuaires Minoans were the earliest Greeks Lived on island of Crete Great navigators and farmers Developed writing called Linear A Palace led political, social and economic organization at Knossos Artistic expressions and grand construction Advanced metal working skills (bronze) created new tools and weapons Built sanctuaries (temples or altars to honour the gods) Arthur Evans excavated at Knossos which predated the Myceneans called Minoans.

4 Palais de Minos à Cnossos
Palais contrôlaient tous les produits agricoles en les stockant dans de grandes salles Palais étaient les centres d’échange pour l’économie minoenne Palais avaient des douzaines de salles rectangulaires interconnectées sur un ou deux étages qui étaient regroupées autour d’une grande cour ouverte (administratif et religieux)

5 Finest rooms were decorated with colourful wall frescoes depicting
processions of gift bearers, scenes of nature or charging bulls Les oeuvres d’art (dessins, murales ou fresques) à Cnossos montrent des sports dangereux comme celui du saut de taureaux ainsi que la danse, les sports et les festivaux

6 Théories pour le déclin des Minoens
1750 av. JC- tremblement de terre qui a détruit les palais minoens 1628 av. JC- éruption de volcan à Thera 1400 av.JC – Guerre entre les Minoens et les Mycéniens mène à un déclin de pouvoir

7 Les Mycéniens c – 600 av. JC Les Mycéniens contrôlaient la Grèce continentale = centre politique central était Mycènes Plus intéressé dans la guerre. La potterie et les sites funéraires réflètent la chasse, les armes, l’armure et la guerre, ainsi que les murs de palais fortifiés Ont développé le Linéaire B

8 Théories pour le déclin des Mycéniens
Changement de climat menant à une période de sécheresse qui aurait forcé les Mycénuebs à migrer vers des terres plus fertiles. Tribue de guerrier nomdadiques du nord de la Grèce (Doriens) auraient détruits les Mycéniens.

9 La guerre de Troie La guerre de Troie

10 Période archaique 750 – 500 av J.C.
événements importants 1) littérature nationaliste(Homer) 2) retour de l’importance des échanges 3) colonisation de la Sicile et de l’Italie 4) Jeux Olympiques-776 av. JC 5) sculptures de pierre du corps humain of human 6) montée des villes-cités (polis) Ended the Dark Ages (which lasted 350 years) Significant events 1) national literature in Homer’s work (described glorious past, common view of gods) 2) resurgence of trade beyond the Aegean Sea (increased shipbuilding, metal working ideas, knowledge of geography and navigation, shared artistic and religious ideas and alphabet of Romans 3) colonization in Italy, Sicily and along Mediterranean coasts establishing new city states 4) Olympic Games in 776 BCE in honour of god Zeus that consisted of “all Greece” competitors and continued until 393 BCE when Roman Emperor Theodosius I banned all pagan festivals

11 Grèce classique(500 – 336 av. JC)
Polis (ville-cité) = chacune avait sa propre forme de gouvernement, de lois et d’argent (Corinthe, Athènes, Sparte) Dominance d’Athènes comme puissance politique (Ligue de Délos) construction du Parthenon et de l’ Acropole Développement complet de la démocratie sous Périclès d’Athènes L’age classique de la Grèce produit de la grande littérature, de la poésie, de la philosophie, du théâtre et des arts

12 Démocracie athénienne “Demos” = peuple; “kratos” = puissance
Monarchie et rois Montée de pouvoir de l’artistocratie Hoplites Age des tyrants Réformes démocratiques par Solon and Cleisthènes = Trois pillier de la Démocracy athénienne: Conseil de Assemblée Courts Le peuple d’Athènes se gouvernait soi-même, débatant et votant individuellement sur des issues importantes et peu importantes, de sujets allant de la guerre et la paix aux qualifications pour être capitaine de bateau. Hoplites= unifed mov’t of larger numbers of warriros, called hoplites -men w heavily armed large round shields, shin protectors , helmets, body armour and spears which were thrust vs thrown -stood side by side 6-10 deep and could easily defeat old style of fighting Needed larger numbers of warriros but not enough artistorcacy, therefore regular citlizens would join hoplites which in turn brought more power to regular citizens The Council of 500 ( ἡ βουλὴ οἱ πεντακόσιοι ) represented the full-time government of Athens. It consisted of 500 citizens, 50 from each of the ten tribes, who served for one year. The Council could issue decrees on its own regarding certain matters, but its main function was to prepare the agenda for meetings of the Assembly. The Council would meet to discuss and vote on “Preliminary decrees” ( προβουλεύματα ), and any of these that passed the Council’s vote went on for discussion and voting in the Assembly. The Assembly (Ekklesia, ἐκκλησία ) was the regular gathering of male Athenian citizens (women also enjoyed a certain citizen status, but without political rights) to listen to, discuss, and vote on decrees that affected every aspect of Athenian life, both public and private, from financial matters to religious ones, from public festivals to war, from treaties with foreign powers to regulations governing ferry boats. Of almost equal importance to the Assembly and Council, and probably of greater importance (if not greater prestige) than the Areopagus was the People’s Court, the Heliaea and other courts where juries of citizens would listen to cases, would vote on the guilt or innocence of their fellow citizens, and vote on punishments for those found guilty. Since Athenian law is the subject of this discussion series, the present introduction to Athenian democracy will not describe the lawcourts in as much detail as it has given to the Assembly and Council. The Contribution of Ancient Athens to American Democracy.   Ancient Athens is often referred to as the cradle of democracy.  The Athenians developed a unique  system of government in which citizens were allowed to take in the decision-making process. They called it democracy. One of their most famous leaders, Pericles, described their government this way : "Our government does not copy our neighbors, but is an example to them. It is true that we are called a democracy, for the administration is in the hands of the many and not of the few."

13 Comment efficace était la démocratie grecque?
Democracie directe= Tout les citoyens mâles pouvaient se rencontrer, discuter des sujets importants et voter sur ces derniers. Toutefois, la démocracie athénienne avait des défauts. Seulement les citoyens mâles pouvait s’impliquer dans la direction du gouvernement. (10% de la pop.) Les femmes, les esclaves et les étrangers étaient exclus des affaires publiques. La politique d’ostracisme créait aussi de l’instabilité puisque l’assemblée pouvait exiler un des siens en votant s’il croyait qu’il devenait trop puissant. The Athenian form of democracy was called Direct Democracy. All the male citizens would gather, discussed  the issues, and then voted on them. This was possible because the male population in Athens was small, about 40,000 men. This was an advanced form of government for again, as Pericles noted, most governments at the time were ruled by monarchs or small groups of people. The idea of giving people the power to make important decisions is an important democratic principle. Democracy is a cornerstone of the American constitution. Our Founding Fathers realized that the Athenian form of democracy was not practical in large societies with millions of people such as the US. Nevertheless, they took the idea of democracy and came up with a form that was more suited for us. This form of democracy is called "representative democracy." Under this system, citizens do not directly take part in making policies. Rather, we elect representatives to make these decisions for us. It is for this reasons we have elections which are the mechanisms through which we elect our leaders. Ancient Athens contributed the idea of democracy to our Constitution.   

14 Ère hellenistique Période entre la conquète de l’empire perse par Alexandre le Grand jusqu’à la mise en place de la suprémacie romaine. Les Grecs étendent leur culture et leur langue à travers le Proche Orient, la Méditerrannée et l’Asie mineure Ont exporté la culture grecque: architecture, politique, loi, littérature, philosophie, religion, et art comme modèles de perfection

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