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Publié parMarianne Rio Modifié depuis plus de 10 années
No. 1, M. B. 4.12.2007 Emergency Services at CERN ACCU, 4.12.2007 Reminder for members of personnel (MP) Any MP must respect CERN Safety Rules. In case of accident: –inform the Fire Brigade a.s.a.p. 24h/24 (Code A2). –collaborate with intervening Services. Accident follow up: –fill the Internal Accident Report I.A.R., have it signed by the supervisor(s), and send it to SC (Code A2). –the I.A.R. is important both for the MP concerned and for CERN (legal; insurance; statistics etc..).
No. 2, M. B. 4.12.2007 Emergency Services at CERN Safety Rules treating accidents and emergency CERN has accident and emergency rules and procedures. I.S. 51 treats operational and information procedures in response to accidents, and includes emergency. Revision of the rules is ongoing, aimed at presenting the information in a structured way, and including agreements with external authorities for possible support in case of need. Make no confusion with INB rules. CERN rules apply, under CERN control: the Organization informs and collaborates with Host States.
No. 3, M. B. 4.12.2007 Emergency Services at CERN Seriousness of accidents Three levels: 0 ; 1 ; 2 In charge of strategic aspects: –level 0 : Chief of Fire Brigade –level 1 : Head of Safety Commission –level 2 : Director-General In charge of operational aspects, in all cases: Fire Brigade. Levels 1 and 2 may require support from external Services. Depending on level of seriousness, the Organization informs the relevant Host States authorities.
No. 4, M. B. 4.12.2007 Emergency Services at CERN Emergency Services available at CERN Fire Brigade, on duty 24h/24. Trained to face all kinds of accident and risk (classic, RP, environment etc…). Limited ambulance service available. Medical Service, during working time. First-aid service in case of accident. Support to and from FB ambulance service. In case of accident support is provided to the FB by technical experts from SC Groups, e.g. radiation protection, environment, chemical safety etc……
No. 5, M. B. 4.12.2007 Emergency Services at CERN Ongoing discussions with host States authorities Presentation of CERN internal procedures. Agree on procedures (threshold of accident seriousness) to ask for external aid. Ensure coordination and effectiveness of possible support
No. 6, M. B. 4.12.2007 Operational preparedness of SC-FB Exercise 2007 Bât.102
No. 7, M. B. 4.12.2007 1.Around the clock 24/24, 365 days respond to fires, accidents, other incidents in presence of particular CERN risks which threaten human live and health and/or property belonging to CERN. 2.Attack and master independently one small fire or another small serious accident in an occupied building or underground area with search and rescue for 1 or 2 persons in the presence of fire and smoke. 3.Provide a rescue and ambulance service for people on CERN territory. Carry out first aid and ambulance care for up to 2 victims or 1 victim under difficult conditions. 4.Manage the CERN Safety Control Room (SCR). Receive alarm calls, dispatch intervention units and distribute information inside CERN as stipulated in IS 51. 5.Respond to all level 3 alarms of the CERN alarm system. Carry out in parallel 2 automatic alarms or one minor intervention (ambulance) and 1 automatic alarm. Fire Brigades Mission (1)
No. 8, M. B. 4.12.2007 6.Intervene with short delay on underground and organize an the intervention from a second access point by CERN FB or by host states services. 7.Limit the effects of radiological, environmental and chemical incidents. Search and rescue for 1 or 2 persons in the presence of inert, asphyxiating gases or special chemical or radiological hazards. 8.Execute special preventive measures to prevent fires, accidents, incidents and pollution. 9.Represent CERNs international authority outside of normal working hours e.g. taking decisions concerning an intervention of the host states police forces on CERNs territory, operating declarations of thefts and lost goods as well as declarations of road accidents, solving safety problems concerning contractors and users. 10.Support 24/24 CERN staff, users and visitors in all matters related to safety and health. Fire Brigades Mission (2)
No. 9, M. B. 4.12.2007 Emergency Call outs200420052006 Intervention avec danger Personne blessé (Ambulance)188199209 Feux - Incendies141927 Epuisements - Assèchements1299897 Faits d'animaux614871 Incident radiation6714 Incident chimique581 Incident cryogénique047 Autre Incident avec danger * 9 Pollutions22179 Ascenseur (motivé) 6798 Total dintervention avec danger425467542 Alarmes niveau 3 (CSAM) sans danger Détection incendie417355375 Détection gaz1711 Arrêts d'urgence233431 Alarme évacuation271530 Homme mort134 Alarme générale21321 Détection inondation11195 Détection manque d'oxygène51119 Ascenseur non motivé1589035 Alarme effraction1445 Total dalarme niveau 3 sans danger675555536 Total dintervention durgence110010221078 Emergency Statistics
No. 10, M. B. 4.12.2007 Total activities200420052006 Total dintervention d'urgence110010221078 Prévention directe Contrôles espaces confinés9011392 Surveillance travaux à risques222 Gardes spéciales1764 Actions préventives61421 Total prévention directe115135119 Appuis logistiques et divers Ouvertures - Fermetures locaux (accès)105128179 Ouverture tunnel douane1033 Constat d'accident de circulation291719 Ouverture magasins512 Dépannage597054 Interventions divers185165126 Total appui logistique393384383 Autre Rondes de contrôle - entretien du matériel48412511380 Transports "Taxi"125144131 Déclarations de vols/disparitions400354280 Déclarations d'objets trouvés544181 Total autres106317901872 TOTAL D'ACTIVITES268333313465 Activity Statistics
No. 11, M. B. 4.12.2007 Assistant opérationnel InstructionAdministration Plans opérationnels Logistique SCR Chef d'équipe Pompiers principaux Pompiers 4 5 Chef adjoint EQUIPE MAUVE Chef d'équipe Pompiers principaux Pompiers 4 5 Chef adjoint EQUIPE VERTE Chef d'équipe Pompiers principaux Pompiers 4 5 Chef adjoint EQUIPE ROUGE CHEF DU SERVICE 11 Assistant opérationnel intervention procédures Assistant opérationnel technique-équipement Chef dopération Chef d'équipe Pompiers principaux Pompiers 4 5 Chef adjoint EQUIPE BLEUE Organisation scheme of SC-FB(2007)
No. 12, M. B. 4.12.2007 PC Chef dintervention Chef de site/ Coordinateur Evacuation Binôme dattaque Binôme de sécurité Chef dagrée Maschinist Intervention of reference: Fire or cryo gas leak underground Transport/ Logistics 23 4 7 8 6 5 1 SCR Operateur SCR 9
No. 13, M. B. 4.12.2007 CERN Safety Control Room - CERN Salle de Contrôle de Securité 24/24 - 365 days /jour Emergency Telephone: 74444 Analog radio system / Système radio analogique CSAM Alarm Monitoring Intervention Preparedness
No. 14, M. B. 4.12.2007 Instruction de sécurité 51 Procédures dintervention et dinformation à appliquer en cas d'accident. Safety Instruction 51 Operational and Information Procedures in Reponse to Accidents. Intervention Preparedness
No. 15, M. B. 4.12.2007 Trans-border Collaboration La collaboration transfrontalière Trinôme – Team 2+1 Compatible Safety Procedures Compatibilité des procedures de sécurité Intervention Preparedness
No. 16, M. B. 4.12.2007 Intervention Preparedness LHC 8 x Equipment on site + 1x equipment mobile (Container)
No. 17, M. B. 4.12.2007 Kit Fire 1Kit Rescue /Sauvetage Kit First Aid / Premier secours Kit Fire 2 Intervention Preparedness LHC Definition of 4 different intervention kits
No. 18, M. B. 4.12.2007 Trans-border Exercise 26.09.06 LH Point 8 Rescue operation underground CERN SSA Service de Santé SDIS 01 Intervention Preparedness LHC
No. 19, M. B. 4.12.2007 Users and Safety at CERN General remarks: New approach to safety implementation: launched in 2007. No change in Safety police. In 2007, clarification with some users communities on: –respect of CERN safety rules. –service à la carte is not possible. –CERN makes effort to improve exchange of information on Safety matters and accident statistics.
No. 20, M. B. 4.12.2007 Users and Safety at CERN General remarks (cont.): Some decisions taken: –revise structure of Safety training: basic + specific. –make available general accident statistics. –open a communication channel Actions: –new RP course: offered from January 2007. Warning: the ½ day course, taught in a class, with a short exam, is compulsory to obtain/renew film badge. –proposal to put Safety as a permanent point in the ACCU agenda.
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