Point de départ Now you will review how to form questions, and then you will learn how to make negative statements. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning,

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1 Point de départ Now you will review how to form questions, and then you will learn how to make negative statements. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.

2 Forming questions There are several ways to ask a question in French. The simplest way is to use the same wording as for a statement but with rising intonation (when speaking) or setting a question mark at the end (when writing). This method is considered informal. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.

3 Forming questions (continued)
A second way is to place the phrase Est-ce que… directly before a statement. If the next word begins with a vowel sound, use Est-ce qu’. Questions with est-ce que are somewhat formal. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.

4 Forming questions (continued)
A third way is to place a tag question at the end of a statement. This method can be formal or informal. A fourth way is to invert the order of the subject pronoun and the verb and hyphenate them. If the verb ends in a vowel and the subject pronoun is il or elle, -t- is inserted between the verb and the pronoun. Inversion is considered more formal. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.

5 Forming questions (continued)
If the subject is a noun rather than a pronoun, invert the pronoun and the verb, and place the noun before them. The inverted form of il y a is y a-t-il. C’est becomes est-ce. Use pourquoi to ask why? Use parce que (parce qu’ before a vowel sound) in the answer to express because. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.

6 Use the verbs in the box to ask some questions.
Write one question for each verb, using a variety of question formations. Have your partner check your grammar, then be ready to mingle and ask your questions to your classmates. Scaffold!!!! regarder oublier manger écouter étudier travailler dessiner donner aimer penser que chercher

7 Expressing negation (continued) An aside…
Some useful expressions to talk about how often one does something. These expressions are placed after the verb. Souvent = often Je mange souvent au resto-u. Parfois = sometimes Je mange parfois au resto-u. De temps en temps = from time to time Je mange de temps en temps au resto-u. Rarement = rarely Je mange rarement au resto-u. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.

8 What is the rule to making negative sentences?
Discover! What is the rule to making negative sentences? Tu mange mon ananas? Non! Je ne mange pas ton ananas! MY YOUR mon ton ma ta mes tes Est-ce que tu aime ma soeur? Non! Je n’aime pas ta soeur! Détestes-tu mes pingouins? Non! Je ne déteste pas tes pingouins! Tu aimes manger mes pieds? Non! Je n’ aime pas manger tes pieds!

9 Le sandwich négatif! ne verb pas

10 To Say NOT in French, you use the words NE……PAS.
They go around the first VERB in the sentence, like a sandwich! NE/N’ (VERB) PAS Je mange ton sandwich = I am eating your sandwich verb verb Je ne mange pas ton sandwich = I am not eating your sandwich **Get rid of the E in ne if the verb starts with a vowel: Je n’étudie pas la biologie.

11 Expressing negation To make a sentence negative in French, place ne (n’ before a vowel sound) before the conjugated verb and pas after it. In the construction [conjugated verb + infinitive], ne (n’) comes before the conjugated verb and pas after it. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.

12 Expressing negation (continued)
In questions with inversion, place ne before the inversion and pas after it. The ne … pas verb sandwich goes around the ‘inverted chunk’ © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.

13 Expressing negation (continued)
The negation of il y a is Il n’ y a pas de Y a-t-il des monstres dans la sale de classe? Non, Il n’ y a pas de monstres dans la salle de classe. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.

14 Expressing negation (continued)
The indefinite articles (un, une, des) become de or d’ in negation. Y’a-t-il un livre sur la table? Non, il n’y a pas de livre sur la table. Est-ce que tu retrouves des amis ce soir? Non, je ne retrouve pas d’amis. J’ai trop de (too much) devoirs. …Ils n’étudient pas de langues étrangères. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.

15 Expressing negation (cont’d)
Use si instead of oui to contradict a negative question. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.

16 Expressing negation (continued)
Use these expressions to respond to a statement or a question that requires a yes or no answer. Remember that one answers Pourquoi? (Why?) with Parce que (Because…) © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.

17 Change these affirmative statements or questions to the negative
1. Il parle espagnol. Nous étudions la littérature. Aimes-tu les chiens? Les filles aiment-elles dessiner?

18 CHANGE these affirmative statements or questions to the negative
1. Il parle espagnol. Il ne parle pas espagnol. Nous étudions la littérature. Nous n’ étudions pas la littérature. Aimes-tu les chiens? N’aimes-tu pas les chiens? Les filles aiment-elles dessiner? Les filles n’aiment-elles pas dessiner?

19 ANSWER these questions in the negative “Non, … “
1. Est-ce que tu aimes les araignées? Y a-t-il un stylo là-bas? Voyagez-vous cet hiver? (this winter – talking to 2 people) Les filles aiment-elles dessiner?

20 ANSWER these questions in the negative “Non, … “
1. Est-ce que tu aimes les araignées? Je n’aime pas les araignées. Y a-t-il un stylo là-bas? Non, il n’y a pas de stylo là-bas Voyagez-vous cet hiver? (this winter – talking to 2 people) Non, nous ne voyageons pas cet hiver. Les filles aiment-elles dessiner? Non, les filles n’aiment pas dessiner.

21 Answer these negative in the affirmative, using Si to contradict the question
1. Tu n’aimes pas les Seattle Seahawks?? George, ne partage-t-il pas avec ses amis? Est-ce que tu ne manges pas ce sandwich?

22 Answer these negative in the affirmative, using Si to contradict the question
1. Tu n’aimes pas les Seattle Seahawks?? Mais, si j’aime les Seattle Seahawks! George, ne partage-t-il pas avec ses amis? Si. George partage souvent avec ses amis . Est-ce que tu ne manges pas ce sandwich? Si je mange ce sandwich.

23 You will be either student A or B.
Questions and answers You will be either student A or B. Student A will ask the A questions and student B will ask the B questions. You will answer eachother’s questions following the prompts (positive for oui, negative for no). Write out the questions and answers first. A Are you washing my squid?  Laves-tu mon calmar? B No, I am not…  Non, je ne lave pas ton calmar Or… Oui, je lave ton calmar. Use the sheet of silly questions & answers for this

24 Pratiquons! Let’s practice!

25 Use the verbs in the box to ask some questions.
Write one question for each verb, using a variety of question formations. Have your partner check your grammar, then be ready to mingle and ask your questions to your classmates. regarder oublier manger écouter étudier travailler dessiner donner aimer penser que chercher

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